Relocation of the Gatineau River Pathway

Enhancing and animating the shoreline is a priority as part of the National Capital Commission's (NCC's) strategic plans. To achieve this, the NCC must ensure good stewardship of its lands and put in place measures to protect against natural elements that can affect the integrity of its shorelines.

Due to flooding in the National Capital Region in 2017 and 2019, the banks of the Gatineau River have experienced significant erosion. To prevent damage to the Gatineau River Pathway, a multi-use pathway that runs along the river, the NCC is proposing to relocate a section of the pathway south along the Leamy Lake Parkway.

The NCC will also take advantage of the excavation activities to replace approximately 380 m of old electrical cable along the Leamy Lake Parkway, from Fournier Boulevard to an electrical box located in a field between the river and the parkway.


  • To improve the multi-use pathway network, ensuring public safety and new usage needs;
  • Protect the NCC's natural habitats and shorelines in the National Capital Region;
  • Renaturalization of the old multi-use pathway;
  • Maintain the NCC's electrical services in the National Capital Region.

Construction Stages

  • Installation of exclusion fences to protect wildlife;
  • Excavation for the new multi-use pathway along the Leamy Lake Parkway;
  • Replacement of electrical cable along Leamy Lake Drive;
  • Installation of the granular foundation for the new trail;
  • Paving the new pathway;
  • Demolition and excavation of a section of the trail along the river;
  • Planting of vegetation along the new trail;
  • Soil placement and seeding at the old trail location;
  • Restoration of the site.

Coordination with the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is required as CWS must issue a Species at Risk Act permit for planned work in Chorus frog habitat. In order for the project to proceed, ECCC must make a decision under the Impact Assessment Act. This department is considered a co-signatory authority with the NCC.


Latest update

[June 07, 2022] – The National Capital Commission issued its Notice of Determination and determined that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.



National Capital Commission
Environmental Assessment
40 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5A8

  • Location

    • Lac Leamy Parkway (Ontario)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Remediation and conservation
  • Assessment Status

  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    National Capital Commission
  • Authorities

    • Environment and Climate Change Canada
    • National Capital Commission
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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