Pacific Science Enterprise Centre - - Marine Infrastructure Upgrades

Project Title
Pacific Science Enterprise Center – Marine Infrastructure Upgrades

Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard
Custom Text Associated with a Public Notice
April 29, 2024 – The Department of Fisheries and Oceans intends to make a determination for the project. To help inform this decision, Fisheries and Oceans is inviting public comments until May 29, 2024 on the project's potential for causing adverse effects.
Custom Text for Latest Update
May 29, 2024 – The public comment period on the project and its potential for causing adverse effects is closed. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada is considering comments received to inform its determination on whether the project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.
Project Summary
The proposed construction involves replacing the concrete float, steel mooring piles, steel gangway, utility connections, and repairing the concrete wharf and the rip-rap shoreline. Off of the wharf there is an old concrete float which is approximately 24m by 6m in size, and the float is connected to the wharf by a steel gangway. There are also 6 steel mooring piles that help secure the float in place. The float, gangway, and dolphins are all near the end of their service life, and are in need of replacement. A section of the rip-rap shoreline has lost a significant amount of material in recent years, therefore, this will also have to be repaired. A barge will likely be required to conduct several of the in-water tasks, such as repairing the rip-rap, replacing the concrete float, and removing the steel mooring piles. The construction footprint for this project will be approximately 2730 m2, as it will include a section of the
rip-rap shoreline and the steel mooring piles. The float and gangway will not create any ground disturbance as they float on/above the surface of the water. There will be in-water work required for this project such as pile installation and removal, therefore, best management practices for working near water will be implemented in order to reduce the impact on the surrounding environment.
Benefits of the project include the replacement of aging/ inoperable government assets, aligning federal replacement/ maintenance schedules, optimizing infrastructure performance, and supporting the ongoing operation of the facility for the foreseeable future.
A summary of the proposed construction activities for the facility upgrades are provided below:
Mobilization/Demobilization of crew and equipment
• Site access will be via barge and by road
• Barge/boats may require an anchor for stabilization
• Barge/boats may establish a ramp on the shoreline for the movement of material and crews
Removal of timber piles and installation of new steel piles
• Barge to be used to remove and install the piles/dolphins
• Existing timber piles to be removed from site and taken to proper disposal location
• New piles to be drilled/driven into ocean floor, in approximately the same location as the existing ones
Removal and installation of concrete float and gangway
• Barge will likely be used to replace the concrete float and gangway
• Old float and gangway to be removed from site and disposed of properly
• New float and gangway to be installed in same approximate location as existing
Repairing the rip-rap shoreline
• New armour rock to be placed along the shoreline
• A barge will likely be used to transport and place all of the rock
• Existing rock and soil may shift during the placement of the new armour rock
Repairs to the concrete wharf
• Old timber guard rails and raisers to be removed, and new ones to be installed
• Existing safety ladders to be removed and new ladders to be installed. Extra ladders to be provided and stored at the base for future use
• Concrete removal and shotcrete to be applied on twenty-one (21) pile caps
• Rebar installation to accompany concrete works; where rebar is to be installed epoxy will be prevalent
• This work may be done on and under the wharf via smaller machinery and equipment
To minimize disturbance to habitat, a summary of this process is outlined below:
• Vibratory hammers will be the method used during pile replacement in order to reduce the noise pollution caused from pile driving
• The in-water construction will be completed during the DFO least-risk time window. For this region (Area 28), the winter window is August 16 – February 28
• Care will be taken to minimize disruption to the existing environment
A qualified Environmental Monitor (EM) will be on site as required to assess potential risks to the environment and monitor the effectiveness of mitigation measures implemented during construction.
Project Locations
Pacific Science Enterprise Center is a Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada facility located on Marine Drive in West Vancouver.
Latitude: 49° 20' 29.2" N
Longitude: 123° 14'00.9" W
Responsible Authorities (optional)
Nature of Project
Building and Property Development / Maintenance
Michael Liang, Senior Project Engineer, Real Property, Safety and Security, Technical Support
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Real Property, Safety and Security, Technical Support, Pacific Region
Tel: (604) 786-8680
Name of Proponent
Fisheries and Oceans Canada-Real Property Safety and Security, Technical Support

Latest update

The assessment is in progress.



Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Real Property, Safety and Security, Technical Support, Pacific Region
Michael Liang, Senior Project Engineer
401 Burrard Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3S4
Telephone: 604-786-8680

  • Location

    • Pacific Science Enterprise Center - Marine Infrastructure Upgrades (British Columbia)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Building and Property Development
  • Assessment Status

    In progress
  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Real Property, Safety and Security, Technical Support, Pacific Region
  • Authorities

    • Fisheries and Oceans Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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