Wharf Repairs and Shoreline Protection, Pointe Sapin Harbour, N.B.

The Small Craft Harbours Branch of Fisheries and Oceans Canada proposes to undertake a wharf reconstruction and shoreline protection project at Pointe Sapin Harbour, located in Pointe Sapin, New Brunswick.

The reconstruction will involve the dismantling and rebuilding of two cribwork wharf structures located at the end of the northeastern wharf at the harbour entrance. New armourstone shoreline protection will be placed adjacent to the seaward side of northeastern wharf. A temporary access road will be constructed to facilitate the wharf reconstruction.  Project works will require the use of heavy equipment such as excavators and haul trucks.

Latest update

Notice of Determination:

October 10, 2023 - The Federal Authorities have issued their Notice of Determination after evaluation of the project, Wharf Repairs and Shoreline Protection, Pointe Sapin Harbour and have determined that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects and can therefore proceed.


This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • Impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples;
  • Community and Indigenous knowledge;
  • Comments received from the public; and
  • Technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.

Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:

  • The project will comply with all applicable municipal, provincial, and federal acts and regulations.
  • Temporary buoys must be maintained to mark the position of the access road including the outer toe as construction proceeds. All buoys are to meet requirements for the applicable Canadian Coast Guard/Transport Canada standard and be equipped with radar reflectors.
  • Coastal habitats outside the project area must not be accessed by heavy equipment nor used as staging areas. At no time will beaches or sand dunes be used as staging or storage areas. All staging areas will take place on paved or graveled parking lot areas.
  • All work will take place after Piping Plover, Bank Swallows and other migratory birds have begun their southern migration.
  • Marsh mats must be used when constructing the temporary access road on top of restricted critical habitat as indicated on the restricted zones drawing. The area where the temporary access road shall cross critical habitat will be identified and marked with flags/stakes.
  • Natural seaweeds and driftwood materials present on the beach access pathway will be moved aside before marsh mats are placed. During demobilization of the project, any impacts observed in and around the work area and the temporary access pathway will be remediated back to pre-construction conditions (i.e., ruts filled back in, seaweeds/driftwood materials replaced, rocks resulting from construction operations removed, beach slope maintained as per pre-construction conditions, etc.).
  • Pile driving and underwater cutting activities will not be permitted at night (between one hour before sunset and one hour after sunrise) during the months of April to July to allow for elver (juvenile eel), American smelt, adult Atlantic salmon and gaspereaux migrations.
  • Install site isolation measures (including silt boom or silt curtain) for containing suspended sediment where in-water work is required.
  • An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan will be developed for the site that minimizes risk of sedimentation to the surrounding environment.
  • Control runoff of water containing suspended material or other harmful substances in accordance with requirements of all federal, provincial and municipal authorities having jurisdiction.
  • Erosion and sediment controls will be visually monitored throughout the life of the project, and repaired immediately if necessary.
  • Weather conditions are to be assessed on a daily basis to determine the potential risk of weather on the project. Work is to be scheduled to avoid periods of heavy precipitation and to prevent erosion and release of sediment and/or sediment-laden water during the construction phase. Avoid work during periods which Environment and Climate Change Canada has issued a wave, wind or rainfall warning for the work area.
  • Machinery shall be operated on land above the high water mark, in a manner that minimizes disturbance to the banks and bed of the waterbody.
  • Implement measures for containing and stabilizing waste material (e.g. construction waste and materials, accumulated debris) above the high water mark of nearby waterbodies to prevent re-entry.
  • Minimize disturbance to all birds on-site and in adjacent areas during the entire course of the work.
  • During nighttime work (if any), lights are to be shielded or pointed downwards. They are to be positioned in the opposite direction of any nearby bird nesting habitat.
  • Contractors must ensure that food scraps and garbage are not left at the work site. All construction waste material will be disposed of in a provincially approved manner.
  • Should nests or chicks of migratory birds or raptors be encountered during work, immediately stop work in that area and notify Departmental Representative for directives to be followed. Should a nest site be discovered:
    • The nest site and neighbouring vegetation will not be disturbed until nesting is completed.
    • Work undertaken immediately adjacent to such areas will be minimized until nesting is completed.
  • To minimize the possibility of fish habitat contamination and the spread of aquatic invasive (alien) species, all construction equipment which will be immersed into the water or has the possibility of coming into contact with such water during the course of the work, must be cleaned and washed to ensure that they are free of marine growth and alien species.
  • A marine mammal safety zone must be established at the work site. The safety zone will consist of a circle with a radius of at least 500 m as measured from the center of the work site. If marine mammals are observed within the safety zone while in-water activities are underway, all activities must cease until the marine mammals leave the safety zone and are not observed within the safety zone for a minimum period of 30 minutes. Work may start or restart if marine mammals are not observed within the safety zone within the 30 minute period.
  • Contractor to coordinate with the local Harbour Authority prior to commencement of the work such that the schedule with the least possible conflicts will be implemented.
  • Proper safety procedures must be followed for the duration of the project as per municipal, provincial, and federal regulations.
  • Dust control should be provided for construction activities and open soil areas, primarily by using fresh water. Waste oil or other petroleum products shall not be used for dust control under any circumstances. Where and when applicable (e.g., during a dry summer), other agents such as calcium chloride may be used for dust suppression. The use of calcium chloride will be in accordance with the guidelines outlined in  Environment Canada’s Best Practices for the Use and Storage of Chloride-Based Dust Suppressants, referring to how, when and quantity to apply.
  • All dust control agents shall be stored in areas away from water bodies and contained, to prevent entry into water bodies.
  • Wash, refuel and service machinery and store fuel and other materials for the machinery in such a way as to prevent any deleterious substances from entering the water.
  • Maintain vehicles and equipment in good working order to prevent leaks on site. Hoses, couplings and tanks are to be inspected on a regular basis to prevent fractures and breaks.
  • On-site crews must have emergency spill clean-up equipment, adequate for the activity involved, on-site.  Spill equipment will include, as a minimum, at least one 250L (i.e., 55 gallon) overpak spill kit containing items to prevent a spill from spreading; absorbent booms, pillows, and mats; rubber gloves; and plastic disposal bags.
  • All spills or leaks must be promptly contained, cleaned up, and reported to the 24-Hour Environmental Emergencies Report System (1-800-565-1633).
  • If an oiled seabird is encountered, it will be handled according to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) – Canada Wildlife Service (CWS)’s guidelines. 
  • Concrete pouring should stop in moderate to heavy rain [2.6-7.6 mm/hr or more] to prevent leaching contaminants into aquatic environment. Use sealant on corners and seams of formwork to prevent leakage.


Key documents

Key documents
Document Number Document Title File Date
2 Notice of Determination - October 10, 2023
1 End of Public Comment Period - May 25, 2022


Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Small Craft Harbours, Maritimes and Gulf Regions
Chyann Kirby, Environmental Advisor
Gulf Fisheries Centre, 343 University Avenue
Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 9B6
Telephone: 506-866-5164
Email: chyann.kirby@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

  • Location

    • Pointe Sapin small craft harbour is located in Kent County, along the Northumberland Strait, on the eastern coast of New Brunswick directly adjacent to Highway 117. (New Brunswick)
  • Nature of Activity

    • Ports and Harbours
  • Assessment Status

  • Start Date

  • Proponent

    Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Small Craft Harbours (DFO-SCH)
  • Authorities

    • Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    • Transport Canada
  • Assessment Type

    Project on federal lands
  • Reference Number


This map is for illustrative purposes. The markers represent the approximate locations based on available data. More than one marker may be identified for a given assessment.


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