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1084 results

Project Montreal Lake Cree Nation Bittern Lake Subdivision - Phase II

  • Location (Montreal Lake IR 106B, Saskatchewan)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88643
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-16
  • Relevance: 799.97
  • Montreal Lake Cree Nation is proposing to construct Phase II of a new subdivision development. The project will consist of construction of 102 lots on 30 ha of land. The project includes underground utility installations, site roadways and ditching, and lot grading. The proposed site is located approximately 2 km southeast of the community core area, and borders the existing phase 1 Bittern Lake subdivision.   The existing land use of the proposed subdivision site is classified as ...

Project Camp for Ekuanitshit guardians

  • Location (Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of Canada, Quebec)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88723
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-15
  • Relevance: 799.95
  • The project aims to promote the transmission of the cultural and traditional knowledge of the Inuit community of Ekuanitshit as part of the Indigenous Guardians Project. Implementation of the project, which will begin in the fall of 2024, will result in the creation of a gathering place for these exchanges on Île à Bouleau du Large (BOUL), located in the Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve. The infrastructure planned for the island will include three camping sites on wooden ...

Project Berens River Bridge Replacement

  • Location (Berens River First Nation, Manitoba)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 84111
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-15
  • Relevance: 799.93
  • The Berens River First Nation (BRFN), Band No. 266 is proposing to replace the existing bridge across Berens River with a new, 72 m clear-span bridge. The bridge replacement project is part of the improvements being made to the all-season road (English Road Extension Project) and will be designed to create a safer, longer lasting structure for the BRFN community. The location of the bridge replacement project is over the Berens River near the east shore of Lake Winnipeg. The site is ...

Project Portobello Creek National Wildlife Area, New Brunswick - Coldspring Lead Wetland Naturalization Project

  • Location (Portobello Creek National Wildlife Area, New Brunswick)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88722
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-15
  • Relevance: 799.92
  • Ducks Unlimited Canada proposes to naturalize the freshwater Coldspring Lead impoundment that was constructed in 1992. By naturalizing this impoundment, the proponent proposes to restore the original hydrology connecting of Coldspring Lead Brook which flows into the Portobello stream. The scope of the project will include removal of the water control structure that is present and breach the berm in two locations to return this project site to its natural pre-construction (1992) state. These ...

Project Timber harvesting on Hustalen IR #1 Adams Lake

  • Location (Hustalen #1, British Columbia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88631
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-14
  • Relevance: 799.75
  • The Bush Creek Fire, summer 2023, damaged timber on part of Hustalen IR #1.  The Adams Lake Nation requested a timber permit issued under section 5 of the Indian Timber Regulation to cut and sale the damaged timber. The damaged timber will be harvested using a ground base system. 1: The construction of a 450 m. fireguard.  2: The construction of of a 460 m. new permanent access road. 3: The construction and deactivation of 450 m. of temporary skid trails, 4: the construction and ...

Project Essential Radar Telecom Modernization Toronto Fiber Installation

  • Location (Nav Canada Fibre Location, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88637
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-14
  • Relevance: 799.75
  • NAV CANADA is planning to replace existing degraded copper cables between the Toronto Radar Site and the Runway 23 LOC at the Toronto Pearson International Airport.  The Project will consist of the installation of approximately 1.9 km of new fibre optic cable on the existing airport property from the receiver site on the west side of the West Service Road north of Courtneypark Drive East and terminate at the Runway 23 Localizer east of Dixie Road. 1.9 km of the new cabling will be ...

Project Entrance Breakwater and Shore Protection Reconstruction at the North Rustico Small Craft Harbour, Prince Edward Island

  • Location (North Rustico, Prince Edward Island)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88625
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-13
  • Relevance: 799.64
  • The existing entrance breakwater structure at the North Rustico Small Craft Harbour has deteriorated to the point whereby reconstruction is required.  The proposed project will see the partial demolition and full encapsulation of breakwater structures #301, #302, and #303 using a combination of steel sheet pile and armour stone.  The new breakwater will be raised approximately 2 metres. Shore protection (structure #603) will also be reconstructed by placing layers of filter and armour ...

Project Wharf Upgrades and Launching Ramp Reconstruction at the Covehead Small Craft Harbour, Prince Edward Island

  • Location (Covehead, Prince Edward Island)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88624
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-13
  • Relevance: 799.64
  • Post-tropical storm Fiona damaged the wharf infrastructure at the Covehead Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Small Craft Harbour. The proposed project will include the reconstruction of existing wharf and launching ramp structures. Wharf structure #603 will be removed and reconstructed with steel sheet pile and armour stone shore protection; wharf structure #403 will be removed and replaced with steel sheet pile; and wharf structure #405 will be removed and reconstructed with a new cope wall.  ...

Project Extension of Amisk Street in Opitciwan

  • Location (Opitciwan, Quebec)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88634
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-13
  • Relevance: 799.64
  • The project is located in Opitciwan and consists of the extension of Amisk Street, as well as the construction of Mikisiw, Warwick, EO-1, EO-3 and EO-4 Streets to serve 1 backflow station lot and 111 low- and medium-density residential lots. The project will also enable the construction of servitude pipelines. The project is divided into two construction phases. The first phase of construction in 2024 will have a surface area of ±51,000 m2. The second construction phase in 2026 will ...

Project Wharf Removal and Breakwater Reconstruction at the Red Head Small Craft Harbour, Prince Edward Island

  • Location (Red Head, Prince Edward Island)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88627
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-13
  • Relevance: 799.64
  • Post-tropical storm Fiona damaged the breakwater and wharf structures at the Red Head Small Craft Harbour. The proposed project will include the removal of wharf structures #408 and #410 and the reconstruction of breakwater structure #601. The existing breakwater will be dismantled and reconstructed to a crest elevation 1.5 meters higher than the existing structure. To facilitate the increased elevation, the footprint of the breakwater will be increased. The reconstructed breakwater will also ...

Project Rouge National Urban Park Cistern Decommissioning

  • Location (Rouge National Urban Park, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88633
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-13
  • Relevance: 799.64
  • Rouge National Urban Park is planning to decommission an unused open cistern for health and safety reasons and convert it to a snake hibernaculum. Eastern Milksnakes are known to overwinter in the rock wall foundation adjacent to the cistern and therefore the site is sensitive to construction activities. The cistern will be pumped and backfilled with stone to create habitat that will allow snakes to move throughout the structure. This project will be scheduled to avoid sensitive timing periods ...

Project Repair of the Sorel wharf

  • Location (Sorel Warf, Quebec)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88721
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-12
  • Relevance: 799.6
  • In October 2021, the Sorel-Tracy – Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola ferry (Société des traversiers du Québec) collided with the Sorel wharf. The Real Property, Environment, Safety and Health Directorate of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) plans to carry out repair work at the site of the damage caused by the ferry in order to maintain the integrity of this maritime structure.

Project Hollow Water First Nation Prevention Centre

  • Location (Hollow Water First Nation, Manitoba)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88720
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-12
  • Relevance: 799.6
  • 1985 m2 Prevention Centre Building centrally located on the south side of the adjacent band administration office parking lot. Comes with a 2,250 ft2 garage, 1,876 ft2 outdoor space and proposed 33,983 ft2 parking lot. The site has water sewer line running parellel along the band office parking lot. It will be connected to main water sewer line. The current land use of the site is as a housing material lay down area. 

Project Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug Wastewater System Upgrades & Expansion

  • Location (Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88716
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-12
  • Relevance: 799.6
  • Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation proposes to construct and operate a new sewage lagoon on the mainland; expand and upgrade the existing lagoon on Post Island; upgrade the existing lift stations on Post Island; and, construct a wastewater collection system for the mainland, including new lift stations, forcemain, gravity sewer, outflow pipe, sanitary manholes and service connections to the existing housing.

Project PARKS CANADA AGENCY - Riding Mountain National Park (West Side) Addition of New Site Known as Tower Hill

  • Location (Tower Hill, MB, Manitoba)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88719
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-12
  • Relevance: 799.6
  •   Parks Canada Agency Addition of New Site Known as Tower Hill A new 48 foot high VHF tower will be installed in the west end of the park using screw piles. Vehicle and medium duty equipment will access the area using Central Trail. This project will be assessed using a Basic Impact assessment. The new site will improve communications for Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Wildlife Management and staff occupational health and safety. In the future, the new tower may have other antennas ...

Project Shoal Lake Cree Nation Lagoon Upgrades

  • Location (Shoal Lake Cree Nation, Saskatchewan)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88718
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-12
  • Relevance: 799.59
  • Shoal Lake Cree Nation is proposing to upgrade existing sewage collection and treatment infrastructure. The project includes of construction of a new facultative lagoon, with a 4.36 hectare sized primary cell and a storage cell sized to 90,880 cubic metres capacity. The new lagoon will be located approximately 2 kilometres southeast of the community core area. The project also includes construction of approximately 450 m of new roadway to provide access to the lagoon from the existing roadway ...

Project Hollow Water First Nation Transitional Spaces

  • Location (Hollow Water First Nation, Manitoba)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88715
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-12
  • Relevance: 799.58
  • 855 m2 transitional housing building located at the end of Shawanim Abinooji Drive which services Shawanim Abinooji group homes. Transitional housing comes with a 1,300 ft2 garage, 940 ft2 outdoor space and proposed 27,550 ft2 of parking lot. The site has water and LP swer line running parallel along Shawanim Drive. A service extension will connect to main water and Low Pressure sewer. Facility will have 7 family units (25 people), 3 staff units (3-6 people).  

Project Asphalt and Concrete Walkway Repairs

  • Location (580 and 588 Booth Street, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88620
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-12
  • Relevance: 799.53
  • This project will consist of repairs to existing asphalt walkways located on the northern, eastern and southern perimeter of the existing buildings of both 580 Booth St. and 588 Booth St. The existing walkway has and continues to deteriorate. It now represents a Health & Safety hazard to potential users and can no longer be considered accessible. The pathways are to be assessed by a landscape architect. Recommendations for repair options will be made to PSPC and the landscape architect. ...

Project Rebuilt of breakwater 302 at Étang-du-Nord harbour, Magdalen Islands

  • Location (Étant-du-Nord harbour, Quebec)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 86006
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-12
  • Relevance: 799.53
  • Due to the age of the structure, the nature of the stone used in its construction, and the increasing intensity and frequency of storms, breakwater #302 at the Étang-du-Nord fishing harbour needs to be rebuilt. The current state of the breakwater does not offer adequate protection, and overtopping can occur during strong winds. This can pose a risk to harbour users and cause damage to harbour infrastructure or ships moored at the quays. The breakwater will be rebuilt in the same ...

Project Building demolition

  • Location (Building demolition, British Columbia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88636
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-12
  • Relevance: 799.53
  • The proposed project The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority – Planning and Development, are proposing to demolish a multi-structure facility located at 7028 York Road, Richmond, which was once a bio energy facility. The structures to be demolished and removed include, but are not limited to: Utilities, including, gas, water, sanitary, communication and electrical services Buildings and structures including, a two-level office, pre-treatment building, percolation building, ...

Project Loading dock fit-up at Dominion Sculptor Workshop

  • Location (Macoun Centre, Quebec)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88619
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-12
  • Relevance: 799.53
  • The project consists of the fit-up of an existing loading dock to house a production shop for the Dominion Sculptor at the Macoun Centre at Pink Road in Gatineau, QC., and will include capacity for 8-10 sculptors in 295 sqm of space including an exterior workspace. This new production will be a place where the Dominion Sculptor's will be able to do stone carving. The majority of the work has focused on delivering the historical sculpture program of adding new carvings to the walls of Centre ...

Project Yellow Quill First Nation Wastewater Infrastructure Upgrades

  • Location (Yellow Quill IR 90, Saskatchewan)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88628
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-12
  • Relevance: 799.53
  • Yellow Quill First Nation is proposing an infrastructure upgrade project that consists of construction of a new lagoon, access road, and force main installations. The proposed lagoon site is located approximately 3.5 km north of the community core area on land currently used for agricultural purposes. A new facultative lagoon with a 3.89 ha sized primary cell and a storage cell sized with a capacity of 56,370 cubic metres will be constructed, along with approximately 1.3 km of newly constructed ...

Project Timber harvesting on Block 7741 (CMTA)

  • Location (Block 7741 Military Training Area, British Columbia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88712
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-12
  • Relevance: 799.53
  • Harvesting of timber damaged by the douglas fir beelte and understoy tree removal from mature douglas fir stands on Block 7741 The project consist in building temporary forestry roads, timber harvesting and temporary forestry road deactivation.  The main harvesting objective for douglas fir beetle blocks is the removal of green, red, and grey douglas-fir attacked by the douglas-fir beetle between 17.5 cm to 70.0 cm DBH. Any grey or red douglas-fir greater than 70.0 cm will not be ...

Project City of Kawartha Lakes - Repair of Existing Stormwater Outlet

  • Location (Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site of Canada, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88714
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-11
  • Relevance: 799.5
  • As part of the Old Mill Park reconstruction project, the activity is the repair of an existing storm water outlet in proximity to Scugog River. The project involves stabilizing the adjacent bank and placing of 4mx4m of riprap/rock on the bed in order to provide erosion protection for the outlet.

Project Repair of sector doors

  • Location (Chambly Canal National Historic Site of Canada, Quebec)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88713
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-11
  • Relevance: 799.5
  • The aim of the project is to restore the security gates at the Chambly Canal National Historic Site by carrying out civil and mechanical work to bring them back into working order. This will ensure the preservation of their integrity while supporting boating activities on the site for seasons to come. The work includes dewatering the work area, removing sector gates, demolishing and rebuilding concrete, removing sediment and debris, painting, and replacing several old mechanical structures.

Project Port of Oshawa Camera Installation

  • Location (Port of Oshawa, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88706
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-11
  • Relevance: 799.48
  • HOPA is proposing to install up to four AI enabled cameras at the Port of Oshawa. In conjunction with the camera installation, the Project will develop a customized digital system to enhance logistics and analytics at the port by tracking and analyzing truck movements. This technology will open a wide range of opportunities for optimized truck scheduling, understanding cargo flows, understanding terminal efficiency and improve service for port tenants. The schedule optimization is expected to ...

Project Little Saskatchewan First Nation - Mino-Aya-Win Centre

  • Location (Little Saskatchewan First Nation, Manitoba)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88709
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-11
  • Relevance: 799.47
  • The new multi-purpose space will include a 34,000 square foot geothermal ice rink and training facility. As a renewable energy, using the earth's natural heating and cooling properties, the geothermal rink system will cut the building's energy costs. This facility will bring residents of Little Saskatchewan First Nation and surrounding communities together to enjoy sports, stay active and socialize.

Project Norquay Snowmaking Water Diversion Intake Maintenance

  • Location (Banff National Park of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88708
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-11
  • Relevance: 799.47
  • Mount Norquay Ski Resort is proposing to conduct maintenance on the freshwater withdrawal intake in 40 Mile Creek. Water for snowmaking is currently diverted from the creek through an intake pipe with a screened manifold. Maintenance is required because the intake pipe & screen has been pushed upwards out of alignment due to a high water event. Maintenance activities include off-road access to the intake location, helicopter use to fly in equipment and materials, placement of a coffer dam, ...

Project Kinistin Saulteaux Nation Barrier River Bridge Replacement

  • Location (Kinistin Saulteaux Nation, Saskatchewan)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88533
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-11
  • Relevance: 799.42
  • Kinistin Saulteaux Nation is proposing to replace the existing two span twelve metre long timber bridge crossing the Barrier River along Highway 772 with a single span concrete and steel bridge structure. The existing bridge requires significant repairs and is not designed for hydraulic flows in the area, and in the past the water has overtopped the road. The new bridge will be six metres longer than the existing structure to accommodate 1:50 year design flows. The new structure will be ...

Project Canola Oil Transload Facility - Fraser Surrey

  • Location (Canola Oil Transload Facility - Fraser Surrey, British Columbia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 84210
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-11
  • Relevance: 799.42
  • The proposed amendment DP World Canada (the Applicant) is responsible for the completion of the Canola oil transload facility currently under construction at the terminal. They have requested permission to conduct certain works outside of regular construction hours, as follows: Trenchless Crossing - Tunneling operations under DP World rail lines, Southern Railway rail lines, and Timberland Road North. 24-hour operation Monday to Sunday including statutory holidays; Non-Destructive ...

Project PCA Tunnel Mountain Toe Wildfire Risk Reduction

  • Location (Banff National Park of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88707
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-10
  • Relevance: 799.39
  • The Banff Field Unit Fire and Vegetation Team plans to conduct Wildfire Risk Reduction (WRR) activities in the Tunnel Toe East area. Tunnel Toe East is a 220.3 ha forested area 2.5km east of the town of Banff and east/southeast of Tunnel Mountain Road. The area will be thinned to reduce the fuel available for forest fires and create a more open forest, which will help reduce the wildfire risk to nearby communities such as Banff, Harvie Heights, and Canmore. Reducing fuel and creating an open ...

Project Combined Joint Intelligence Modernization (CJIM) Proposed New Facility - Canadian Forces Base Kingston

  • Location (Canadian Forces Base Kingston, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88699
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-10
  • Relevance: 799.38
  • The Department of National Defence (DND) has identified the need to better provide deployed units with timely access to specialized equipment and infrastructure. To address this need, DND and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have initiated the Combined Joint Intelligence Modernization (CJIM) project. This new facility will include office space, a warehouse, outdoor storage, parking and associated site works. The estimated footprint for the interior storage and maintenance space is approximately ...

Project Rehabilitation of aerated lagoons in Rapid Lake

  • Location (Rapid Lake, Quebec)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88697
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-10
  • Relevance: 799.38
  • Work to be carried out includes : Clearing the entire site and around the fence; Replacement of damaged fence and gate; Valve replacement and temporary wastewater diversion; Replacement of a 300 mm diameter pipe at the downstream end of the pond outfall; Installation of a new aeration system for the aerated ponds, including pipes, diffusers, installation hardware, manifold, etc.

Project OS-6870 Authorization to extend an existing surface lease area for a multi-well pad

  • Location (Frog Lake First Nation, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88704
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-10
  • Relevance: 799.37
  • A surface lease extension consisting of 0.32 ha area for drilling and operating three additional oil wells will be constructed and maintained for the operating life of the wells, then decommissioned and reclaimed before the lease agreement is surrendered. The proposed surface lease extension will be located along the south and west boundary of an existing wellsite at 14-09-057-03W3.  The proposed surface lease extension is to be located entirely within cultivated lands. Two wetlands ...

Project OS-6634 Authorization to extend an existing surface lease area for a multi-well pad

  • Location (Frog Lake First Nation, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88703
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-10
  • Relevance: 799.37
  • A surface lease extension consisting of 0.231 ha area for drilling and operating three additional oil wells will be constructed and maintained for the operating life of the wells, then decommissioned and reclaimed before the lease agreement is surrendered. The proposed surface lease extension will be located along the north boundary of an existing wellsite at 07-08-57-03W4.  Two wetlands have been identified within 100m of the proposed wellsite extension. One wetland is 35m to the west ...

Project Tl'etinqox Transfer Station

  • Location (Tl'etinqox Transfer Station, British Columbia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88698
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-10
  • Relevance: 799.37
  • Development of a transfer station within the Tl'etinqox community reserve Anahim Flats 1. The transfer station will be used for management of household waste, recyclables, large items, and hazardous household waste. Site will feature mini-bins on a drop off wall, a site office, parking area, free shed, and an area for tire storage, end-of life vehicles, electronics, and composting equipment. The site is currently has an approximate foot print of 4,320m^2 and is located on a grassy plain ...

Project Dog Camp Water Control Structure

  • Location (Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada, Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88702
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-10
  • Relevance: 799.36
  • The Dog Camp Water Control Structure Project (the Project) is an initiative proposed by Indigenous partners in the Peace Athabasca Delta (the Mikisew Cree First Nation, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, and Fort Chipewyan Metis Nation) under the Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site Action Plan. The Project would be located on the Chanel des Quatres Fourches, approximately 12 km southwest of Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, in Wood Buffalo National Park. The Project aims to mimic historic ...

Project New Delivery Centre - Port Perry ON

  • Location (6 Easy Street, Port Perry, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88701
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-10
  • Relevance: 799.36
  • Canada Post Corporation (CPC) is proposing to construct and operate a New Delivery Centre on a 1-hectare site at 6 Easy St., Port Perry, located within Scugog Line No 6 and Easy Street in Ontario.  The Project includes a new building of approximately 2,500 square meters.  Pre-construction activities will include exclusion fencing, land clearing, topsoil stripping, sub-excavation, engineered fill, rough grading, and implementation of a soil management plan.  The new Delivery ...

Project Big Egg Lake Water Control Structure

  • Location (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Jackfish Reserve (I.R. 201), Alberta)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88694
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-10
  • Relevance: 799.36
  • The Big Egg Lake Water Control Structure Project (the Project) is an initiative proposed by the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) under the Wood Buffalo National Park World Heritage Site Action Plan (the Action Plan). The Project will be owned and operated by ACFN and was collaboratively developed with ACFN and federal technical experts under the Action Plan. The Project is proposed to be located on the east-connection channel between Big Egg Lake and the Athabasca River, within the ...

Project Regrade Access Road to Building NAD126 at Naden, CFB Esquimalt

  • Location (Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, British Columbia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88700
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-10
  • Relevance: 799.35
  • The Department of National Defence (DND) has proposed a project to regrade the access road to Building NAD126 at Naden, Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt. Due to the steep slope, curvature and narrow width of the driveway to Naden 126, the client is requesting that the driveway be widened, straightened and the slope be decreased to provide safe passage of the Multi Role Boats which are longer, wider and heavier than the existing boats used in this area. The new road will require excavation of the ...

Project Application of RipRap on the Shoreline and Canal Bed for Erosion Protection - 3510 Donnelly Drive, Rideau River

  • Location (Rideau Canal National Historic Site of Canada, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88696
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-09
  • Relevance: 799.26
  • The property owner of 3510 Donnelly Drive, located on the Rideau River and part of the Rideau Canal, is proposing to stabilize a portion of their shoreline through the application of rip rap. The applicant is proposing to install riprap over 120ft of shoreline that has been eroding due to the waves from the nearby navigation channel. At least 50% of the shoreline within the project zone has mature shoreline trees and the root systems are exposed due to the erosion. The landowner proposes to ...

Project Rebuilding the administrative center in Cacouna

  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88688
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-09
  • Relevance: 799.26
  • The project aims to rebuild the administrative center through total demolition and reconstruction of a new building. The project also includes the reorganization of the offices to adapt the new space for use by the Nation's members and committees. The new building will provide adequate accommodation for community members and employees. It will have three floors.   The planned surface area for these activities is approximately 300 m2.

Project Chemawawin Cree Nation Transitional Housing Building

  • Location (Chemawawin Cree Nation, Manitoba)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88695
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-09
  • Relevance: 799.25
  • The construction of a housing complex for youth who are aging out of the CFS system and do not have access to a safe and supportive residence.  Complex Specifics: - 16 self-contained residential units - 6 self contained professional accomodation units (3 duplexes) - Central Reception/Security/Monitoring Desk for 24 hr operations - 3 private professional offices - Staff and support staff areas - Central communal dining area - Central communal kitchen area - ...

Project Reconstruction of runway 09-27 and rehabilitation of traffic lanes A, B, C, D and apron at Sept-Îles Airport

  • Location (Sept-Îles Airport, Quebec)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88599
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-09
  • Relevance: 799.25
  • The main runway 09-27, taxiways A, B, C, D and the apron at Sept-Îles airport have exceeded their useful life and are showing signs of deterioration that could jeopardize their safe operation. Various geotechnical studies have also shown that the existing soil-cement mix has exceeded its service life, and that its structural function is almost non-existent. As a result of these findings, and to ensure that the movement area remains safe and compliant, the reconstruction of the runway ...

Project Removal of In Water Structures - Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area

  • Location (Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88582
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-06
  • Relevance: 798.88
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada-Canadian Wildlife Services (ECCC-CWS) is proposing to undertake the removal of structures and debris located in-water within the Long Point Harbour at the Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area (PEPNWA).  The PEPNWA is located along the eastern end of the Long Point Peninsula at the southeastern corner of Prince Edward County. PEPNWA is federal lands managed by ECCC-CWS.   The purpose of the project is to remove structures, including a ...

Project Camp Fortune - Alexander Lodge Replacement

  • Location (Camp Fortune, Quebec)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88608
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-06
  • Relevance: 798.88
  • Camp Fortune - Alexander Lodge Replacement   Camp Fortune's current ski instructor lodge ("Alexander Lodge") is not safe or fit for human occupancy. To provide a new, safe space for instructors to meet, prepare for and plan snow school programs, the existing lodge will be demolished, and a new lodge will be constructed.   Camp Fortune is known for year-round adventure in Canada's Capital Region and offers a variety of skiing over three peaks. It has 24 ...

Project Seaspan Ship Load-out Gravel Bed and Shoreline Protection - Amendments

  • Location (10 Pemberton Avenue, North Vancouver, BC, British Columbia) (Ship Load-out Gravel Bed and Shoreline Protection, British Columbia)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 83576
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-06
  • Relevance: 798.88
  • The proposed project Seaspan is looking to amend its existing Ship Load-out Gravel Bed and Shoreline Protection project by proposing to install an outfall within the port authority's jurisdiction required as part of their stormwater collection and discharge system (outside the port authority's jurisdiction) that would manage stormwater runoff from their future platen facility at the northeast end of their shipyard basin. The installation of the outfall would consist ...

Project Trent-Severn Waterway -1247 Emerald Isle Road, Buckhorn Lake - Dredge and Aquatic Vegetation Removal

  • Location (Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site, Ontario)
  • Assessment Type: Project on federal lands
  • Status: In progress
  • Reference Number: 88693
  • Last Modified: 2024-07-05
  • Relevance: 798.84
  • The overall intent of this project is to dredge and remove aquatic vegetation for an area approximately 130m2 to accommodate boat access and parking at an existing marina dock. The project components include: • Dredge and remove aquatic vegetation along the shoreline in area of approximately 10 m x 13 m = 130 m2. • Dredging to be completed from land using an excavator fitted with a bucket. • If conditions in the work area are wet, a turbidity curtain will be installed and ...

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