Black Bear Power Plant Project

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Attachment Comment on the summary of the Initial Project Description for the Black Bear Power Plant Project

  • Black Bear Power Plant Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Swan River First Nation
  • Reference Number: 11
  • Submitted: 2024-08-16 - 3:04 PM
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: N/A
  • Hello Ashifa,   Following up on our continued conversation regarding the Black Bear Power Plant proposal and notification that information provided to date would be available for public viewing.    In addition, please be advised that any assessments and reports provided by SRFN are preliminary in nature. As identified, the initial site assessment does not present a complete and thorough evaluation of the project and potential impacts and infringements to SRFN members Treaty and aboriginal rights. A more complete impact assessment, as identified and determined by SRFN will need to be conducted in order to fully assess the planned project and to explore potential and meaningful mitigations and/or accommodations. Again, it is the expectation of SRFN that the initial site visit and report was the start of a review process and not a comprehensive analysis and not conclusive regarding any ...
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  • Traditional Territory of Swan River First Nation As Agreed To At the Signing of Treaty 8-1899
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  • SWAN RIVER FIRST NATION “CONSULTATION UNIT” P.O. Box 270 Kinuso, Alberta T0G 1K0 Phone: (780) 775-3536 Fax: (780) 775-3796 2022-09-13 Jamie Lacey LandSolutions Inc. P.O. Box 60 Bentley, Alberta T0C 0J0 Dear Jamie, Re: Power Station Site (Electrical) - S 15-64-11-W5M - FNC202204642 We write on behalf of Swan River First Nation (Swan River) further to your plan submission through LOUIS Planner on 2022-09-07. Swan River holds constitutionally-protected Aboriginal and Treaty rights in respect of the lands and waters in Treaty 8. We have always used the lands and waters in our territory to sustain us and to maintain our connection to our culture and way of life. Our members continue to use our territory today for traditional activities and for the exercise of our Aboriginal and Treaty rights. Your proposal relates to lands and resources within our territory. If allowed to proceed, the activities will affect our lands and our members’ ability to exercise their rights. We are ...
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  • Swan River First Nation Consultation Policy Purpose This Consultation Policy (Policy) sets out the objectives, principles, and process for consultation between Swan River First Nation (Swan River), the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada (collectively, the Crown) and where appropriate, industry proponents, in respect of activities in Swan River’s territory in Treaty No. 8. Swan River Rights & Territory Swan River holds inherent and constitutionally protected rights (Swan River Rights) in respect of the lands and waters in Treaty No. 8. For the purposes of this Policy, Swan River’s territory is defined on the map attached as Appendix “A.” We have always relied on the resources in our territory for sustenance and to carry out cultural, spiritual, and economic pursuits. Swan River members continue to exercise their inherent and constitutionally protected rights, including hunting, trapping, and gathering, throughout our territory today. ...
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  • SWAN RIVER FIRST NATION “CONSULTATION UNIT” P.O. Box 270 Kinuso, Alberta T0G 1K0 Phone: (780) 775-3536 Fax: (780) 775-3796 2022-09-13 Jamie Lacey LandSolutions Inc. P.O. Box 60 Bentley, Alberta T0C 0J0 Dear Jamie, Re: Power Station Site (Electrical) - S 15-64-11-W5M - FNC202204642 We write on behalf of Swan River First Nation (Swan River) further to your plan submission through LOUIS Planner on 2022-09-07. In our preliminary assessment of your submission we have identified concerns related to fish, wildlife, plants and medicines. In addition, the proposed project may impact cultural and historical features of concern. As we review this proposal in more depth, further details will be provided as to the specific nature and location of our concerns. In order to assess your plans impact and possible infringements to SRFN members Inherent and Treaty rights, a detailed and thorough site visit is required. SRFN is looking forward to working collaboratively through the site ...
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  • Swan River First Nation Consultation Box 270 Kinuso, Alberta T0G 1K0 Office: 780-775-2349 Swan River consultation site assessment Analysis 1 Table of Content 1. Table of contents 2. Rights of SRFN and Scope of Operations 3.General Site Assessment Analysis Overview Rights of SRFN and Scope of Operations 1. Swan River First Nation is a signatory to Treaty No.8., and as such SRFN has inherent Treaty and Aboriginal rights, including rights to their culture and way of life. These rights are collectively known as Section 35 rights which are affirmed and protected by the Constitution Act, 1982. It is the authority and priority of the Chief and Council of SRFN to ensure that SRFN Section 35 rights are protected and continuously exercised in preferred manner by their Members. 2. It is, therefore, beyond the study scope to provide a complete assessment of the potential impacts of the proposed project that is in the area that is currently and historically used by SRFN Members for ...


Attachment ECCC FAAR Response on IPD - Black Bear Power Plant Project

  • Black Bear Power Plant Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Reference Number: 12
  • Submitted: 2024-08-15 - 5:14 PM
  • Project Phase: Planning
  • Participation Notice: N/A
  • See the attached submission / Veuillez consulter la pièce ci-jointe   
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  • Federal Authority Advice Record (FAAR) FAAR Response must be submitted by August 16 2024 Black Bear Power Plant Project – Kiwetinohk Energy Corp. Registry File: 88747 Department/Agency Environment and Climate Change Canada Lead Contact Leah Dirk, Acting Environmental Assessment Officer Full Address 11 Innovation Blvd Saskatoon, SK S7N 3H5 Email Telephone (306) 514-2363 Alternate Contact Marcus Edino, 1. a) Is it probable that your department or agency may be required to exercise a power or perform a duty or function related to the project to enable it to proceed? If yes, specify the Act of Parliament and that power, duty or function. ECCC does not expect that it will be required to exercise a power or perform a duty or function related to the Project to enable it to proceed. Once the scope of the Project and of the assessment are established by the ...
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  • Environmental Protection Operations Directorate Prairie & Northern Region 9250 49 Street ECCC File: 4194-10-3/6350 Edmonton, AB T6B1K5 IAAC Registry: 88747 August 15, 2024 via email at: Tracy Lachine Project Manager Impact Assessment Agency of Canda / Prairie and Northern Region 1145-9700 Jasper Avenue Edmonton AB, T5J4C3 Dear Tracy Lachine: RE: 88747 – Black Bear Power Plant – Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) Federal Authority Advice Record (FAAR) Environment and Climate Change Canada has reviewed Kiwetinohk Energy Corp’s Initial Project Description for the proposed Black Bear Power Plant Project as requested by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada in its email of July 25, 2024. Our FAAR response is attached. Our advice is based on ECCC’s mandate under the Species at Risk Act, the Migratory Birds Convention Act, the pollution prevention provisions of the ...


Attachment 2024-08-12_WAGE Comments on IPD

  • Black Bear Power Plant Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Federal Authority Advice Record (FAAR)
  • Reference Number: 13
  • Submitted: 2024-08-14 - 11:46 AM
  • Project Phase: Planning
  • Participation Notice: N/A
  • See the attached submission / Veuillez consulter la pièce ci-jointe   
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  • Federal Authority Advice Record (FAAR) FAAR Response must be submitted by August 14, 2024 Black Bear Power Plant Project – Kiwetinohk Energy Corp. Registry File: 88747 Department/Agency Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) Lead Contact Denise Gareau, Director, GBA Plus Directorate, Research, Data, and Intersectionality (RDI) Branch Full Address 22 Eddy Street, 10th Floor Gatineau, QC J8X 2V6 Email Telephone 819-938-1132 Alternate Contact Jessica Bialek, A/Senior Analyst, GBA Plus Directorate, Research, Data, and Intersectionality (RDI) Branch 1. a) Is it probable that your department or agency may be required to exercise a power or perform a duty or function related to the project to enable it to proceed? If yes, specify the Act of Parliament and that power, duty or function . b) Please describe any Indigenous or public consultation that will be ...
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  • INITIAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUMMARY For the BLACK BEAR POWER PLANT Project Location 19 km south of Swan Hills, Alberta LSDs 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, Section 15, Township 64, Range 11, W5M Proponent Kiwetinohk Energy Corp. Submitted to IMPACT ASSESSMENT AGENCY OF CANADA DOCUMENT COMPLETED BY July 2024 Black Bear Power Plant Initial Project Description Summary i THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Black Bear Power Plant Initial Project Description Summary ii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................................... VII LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................ VII LIST OF APPENDICES ...
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  • Prairie and Northern Region Région des Prairies et du Nord Canada Place Place Canada 1145–9700 Jasper Avenue 1145–9700, avenue Jasper Edmonton AB T5J 4C3 Edmonton (Alberta) T5J 4C3 UNCLASSIFIED - NON CLASSIFIÉ July 25, 2024 To: Employment and Social Development Canada; Environment and Climate Change Canada; Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Health Canada; Indigenous Services Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Transport Canada; Women and Gender Equality Dear Colleagues: Subject: Federal Authority Advice Record for the Black Bear Power Plant Project On May 2, 2024, the Government of Canada tabled proposed amendments to the Impact Assessment Act (IAA) through the Budget Implementation Act, 2024, No. 1, to respond to the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision regarding the constitutionality of the IAA. We would like to inform you that on June 20, 2024, the Budget Implementation Act, 2024, ...


Attachment Provincial Authority Advice Record Form #1: Authority and Summary of Issues

  • Black Bear Power Plant Project
  • Author: Alberta Utilities Commission (Calgary, AB)
  • Reference Number: 6
  • Submitted: 2024-08-13 - 1:27 PM
  • Project Phase: Planning
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Comments Invited on the Summary of the Initial Project Description
  • Alberta Utilties Commission submission for Black Bear Power Plant Project – Kiwetinohk Energy Corp.
  • Attachment Included
  • Provincial Authority Advice Record Form #1: Authority and Summary of Issues Response requested by: August 14, 2024 Black Bear Power Plant Project – Kiwetinohk Energy Corp. CIAR No.: 88747 The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) encourages comments to be submitted via the Submit a Comment feature available on the Project’s Canadian Impact Assessment Registry page (Reference #88747 at Impact Assessment Agency of Canada ( Letters and forms can be uploaded using this feature. If you have any difficulties submitting this way, please contact IAAC using the information provided below for assistance. Ministry/Agency: Alberta Utilities Commission Lead Contact Name: Derek Rennie Telephone: 403-592-4522 Address: 600 3 Ave SW Tower 1400, Calgary, AB T2P 0G5 Fax: Email: Please complete this form. 1. Would your ministry/agency participate in the federal impact assessment process for this Project? If so, ...
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  • Permit and Licence 28964-D03-2024 Page 1 of 2 Substation Permit and Licence 28964-D03-2024 Appendix 2 to Decision 28964-D01-2024 Kiwetinohk Energy Corp. Benito 1074S Substation July 12, 2024 Proceeding 28964 Application 28964-A002 Kiwetinohk Energy Corp. (KEC), by Application 28964-A002, registered on April 8, 2024, applied to the Alberta Utilities Commission for approval to construct and operate a substation, designated as Benito 1074S Substation, approximately 24 kilometres southwest of Swan Hills, Alberta. The Commission, pursuant to sections 14, 15 and 19 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act, approved the application in Decision 28964-D01-20241 and granted to KEC a permit to construct and a licence to operate the substation, subject to the provisions of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act and the Alberta Utilities Commission Act, any regulations made under the acts, any orders made under the acts, the Commission rules made pursuant to the ...
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  • Approval 28964-D02-2024 Page 1 of 2 Power Plant Approval 28964-D02-2024 Appendix 1 to Decision 28964-D01-2024 Kiwetinohk Energy Corp. Black Bear Combined-Cycle Power Plant July 12, 2024 Proceeding 28964 Application 28964-A001 Kiwetinohk Energy Corp. (KEC), by Application 28964-A001, registered on April 8, 2024, applied to the Alberta Utilities Commission for approval to construct and operate a 460-megawatt (MW) combined-cycle power plant approximately 24 kilometres southwest of Swan Hills. The Commission, pursuant to sections 11 and 19 of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act, approved the application in Decision 28964-D01-2024, 1 and granted to KEC an approval to construct and operate the power plant, subject to the provisions of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act and the Alberta Utilities Commission Act, any regulations made under the acts, any orders made under the acts, the Commission rules made pursuant to the Alberta Utilities Commission Act, ...
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  • Decision 28964-D01-2024 Kiwetinokh Energy Corp. Black Bear Combined-Cycle Power Plant and Substation July 12, 2024 Alberta Utilities Commission Decision 28964-D01-2024 Kiwetinokh Energy Corp. Black Bear Combined-Cycle Power Plant and Substation Proceeding 28964 Applications 28964-A001 and 28964-A002 July 12, 2024 Published by the: Alberta Utilities Commission Eau Claire Tower 1400, 600 Third Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 0G5 Telephone: 310-4AUC (310-4282 in Alberta) 1-833-511-4AUC (1-833-511-4282 outside Alberta) Email: Website: The Commission may, no later than 60 days from the date of this decision and without notice, correct typographical, spelling and calculation errors and other similar types of errors and post the corrected decision on its website. Decision 28431-D01-2024 (July 12, 2024) ...


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