Comment on the summary of the Initial Project Description for the Black Bear Power Plant Project

Reference Number

Hello Ashifa,


Following up on our continued conversation regarding the Black Bear Power Plant proposal and notification that information provided to date would be available for public viewing. 


In addition, please be advised that any assessments and reports provided by SRFN are preliminary in nature. As identified, the initial site assessment does not present a complete and thorough evaluation of the project and potential impacts and infringements to SRFN members Treaty and aboriginal rights. A more complete impact assessment, as identified and determined by SRFN will need to be conducted in order to fully assess the planned project and to explore potential and meaningful mitigations and/or accommodations. Again, it is the expectation of SRFN that the initial site visit and report was the start of a review process and not a comprehensive analysis and not conclusive regarding any issues, concerns and recommendations.






Hi Ashifa,


RE: Black Bear Power Plant (ACO designated  project FNC202204642)


Thank you for the call this morning and listening to SRFN's concerns and challenges regarding the Black Bear Power Plant Project. I was saddened to hear other Nations and communities have not reached out although unfortunately not surprised given the short timelines and extremely limited capacity and resources available. In addition, the strong feeling of hopelessness and lack of meaningful integration and implementation of these types of engagements through other Federal and Provincial processes. 


With limited timelines, capacity and funding, SRFN has only been able to start a preliminary assessment on the potential impacts and infringements this project may have on members Treaty and Aboriginal rights. As discussed in our call early today, SRFN has completed a percent disturbance analysis using a similar methodology as Yahey v British Columbia which has indicated the area of the proposed power plant project is already(2021 data) on a landscape 95.9% disturbed. SRFN is requesting and requiring a cumulative impact assessment be completed for this project before any further meaningful engagement and consultation proceed. Without a cumulative impacts assessments we can not start to explore and review meaningful and appropriate mitigations and/or accommodations. 


Looking forward to our further collaboration on this project.




Todd Bailey


Land Stewardship and Environmental Protection

Swan River First Nation



Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Swan River First Nation
Public Notice
  • 2019-01-15- Appendix A - Treaty 8 Map.pdf (183.1 KB)
  • 2021-11-05- Consultation Policy- Swan River.pdf (75.4 KB)
  • Concerns_Letter (1).pdf (87.5 KB)
  • Consutlation_Process_Introduction_Letter.pdf (91.1 KB)
  • Swan_River_site_assesment_analysis-_kewitenok_energy.pdf (165.8 KB)
  • Date Submitted
    2024-08-16 - 3:04 PM
    Date modified: