Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project

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Attachment Federal Authority Advice Record - Employment And Social Development Canada

  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Employment And Social Development Canada
  • Reference Number: 40
  • Submitted: 2022-07-13 - 5:55 PM
  • Project Phase: Planning
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
  • Please see the attached submission. 
  • Attachment Included
  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Page 1 of 4 CIAR reference number: 83696 Table 1: Key Issues and Solutions that are Material and Relevant to Decision-making Comment ID Document Reference Valued Component Description of Key Issue (Context and Rationale) Solutions for the Proponent Summary of Issues Please identify comments by organization and comment number. e.g.: IAAC-01 If the comment is related to a specific section of the Initial Project Description, please provide a reference. You may also choose to copy the relevant text here. Identify the valued component(s)—within the mandate of your department or agency— to which the effect or issue applies. This may include components of the environment, health, social or economic conditions. Provide context for the effect or issue. Describe, to the extent possible:  The positive or negative pathway of effect or nature of the issue  Any powers, duties or functions that ...
  • Attachment Included
  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Page 1 of 6 CIAR reference number: 83696 UNCLASSIFIED - NON CLASSIFIÉ Enclosure 2: Federal Authority Advice Record: Summary of Issues, and Potential Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and Plans Project: Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Proponent: Eastern Power Inc. CIAR No.: 83696 Response due by: July 6, 2022 All comments should be submitted via the Submit a Comment feature available on the Project’s Canadian Impact Assessment Registry page (Reference 83696)1. Letters and forms can be uploaded using this feature. If you have any difficulties submitting this way, please contact the Agency at Hydrogen-Hydrogene@iaac-aeic.gc.ca for assistance. Department/Agency: Employment And Social Development Canada Date of Advice: July 8th, 2022 Primary Contact Name, Title, Work Unit: Cathy Grimes; a/Dir– Skills and Employment Branch, PISP Email: Cathy.Grimes@servicecanada.gc.ca Phone: Alternate Contact Name, Title, Work ...


Attachment MNRF Comments on Initial Project Description

  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project
  • Author: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry submitted by Jeffrey Dennis
  • Reference Number: 29
  • Submitted: 2022-07-13 - 5:39 PM
  • Project Phase: Planning
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
  • Please find attached the Provincial Advice Record comments provided by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for the Hydrogen Ready Power Plant project.
  • Attachment Included
  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Page 1 of 5 CIAR reference number: 83696 The Duty to Enclosure: Provincial Advice Record: Summary of Issues and Potential Cooperation Plan Project: Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Proponent: Eastern Power Inc. CIAR No.: 83696 Response invited by: July 13, 2022 All comments should be submitted via the Submit a Comment feature available on the Project’s Canadian Impact Assessment Registry page (reference 83696)1. Letters and forms can be uploaded using this feature. If you have any difficulties submitting this way, please contact the Agency at Hydrogen-Hydrogene@iaac-aeic.gc.ca. 1. Confirm whether your ministry would participate in the federal impact assessment process for this Project. Yes No If yes, please provide contact details for the person(s) who will be working with the Agency. Department/Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) Date of Advice: July 13, 2022 Primary Contact Name, ...


Attachment MNRF Comments on Initial Project Description

  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project
  • Author: Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry submitted by Jeffrey Dennis
  • Reference Number: 28
  • Submitted: 2022-07-13 - 5:37 PM
  • Project Phase: Planning
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
  • Please find attached the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry's comments on the Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project.
  • Attachment Included
  • Petroleum Resources in Ontario 1 Municipal Planning: Petroleum and Salt Resources Operations   Introduction    Since 1858, when the first commercial oil well began operating in Southwestern Ontario, tens of  thousands of wells have been drilled in this region. Numerous wells were drilled without record or  regulation. Many may pose a hazard to people or the environment if undetected or disturbed by  development.    Today, these operations are governed by the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act (OGSRA) framework,  which provides oversight for the exploration, development and decommissioning of oil, gas and  solution‐mined salt resource‐related activities.      This document provides guidance to Southwestern Ontario municipalities on legacy and currently  active petroleum operations to support municipal planning decisions and development of official  plans.     The information provided supports the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), which requires that:   ...


Attachment St. Clair Region Conservation Authority

  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project
  • Author: St. Clair Region Conservation Authority submitted by Sarah Hodgkiss
  • Reference Number: 27
  • Submitted: 2022-07-13 - 5:27 PM
  • Project Phase: Planning
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
  • Describe the mandate of the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority? The core mandate of Conservation Authorities is to undertake watershed-based programs to protect people and property from flooding and other natural hazards, and to conserve natural resources for economic, social and environmental benefits. St. Clair Region Conservation Authority has reviewed the project information under the context of Ontario Regulation 171/06, "Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses”, as it pertains to flooding and erosion hazards, and impacts to wetlands. Has the Proponent adequately articulated potential effects (both positive and negative) of the Project?  If not, itemize, with appropriate rationale, specific potential effects that require attention by the Proponent? The Proponent has recognized that the project is proposed ...
  • Attachment Included
  • GOVERNMENT DRAIN NO 10 SECOND LINE DRAIN GOVERNMENT DRAIN NO 10 WH EL LE R DR AIN MILLIKEN DRAIN GOVERNMENT DRAIN NO 10 MUNDY DRAIN NO 2 LUMLEY DRAIN Hig hw ay 40 Oil Springs Line Proposed Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Lot 26, Con 2 Moore Produced by the SCRCA under license with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Copyright Queen's Printer Friday, March 11, 2022. May not be reproduced without permission. THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY | Aerial Photography Date: Spring 2020 K:\Maps\Screening Maps\Planning Screening Map 2021.mxd Ü0 210 420105 Meters Legend Areas Affected by Regulations SCRCA Estimated Floodplain Wetlands (MNRF, March, 2021) Wetland Adjacent Lands (30 m) Wetland Adjacent Lands (120 m) Watercourses Subject Property (approx.) Map EA#2022-0003


Attachment Comment Form - Information to Inform the Summary of Issues Project: Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Proponent: Eastern Power Inc.

  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project
  • Author: Caldwell First Nation submitted by Zack Hamm
  • Reference Number: 25
  • Submitted: 2022-07-13 - 3:59 PM
  • Project Phase: Planning
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
  • Enclosure 1   Comment Form – Information to Inform the Summary of Issues Project: Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Proponent: Eastern Power Inc. CIAR No.: 83696 End of comment period: July 13, 2022 Indigenous Group Name: Caldwell First Nation (CFN) Contact Name: Michelle McCormack and Zack Hamm Telephone: 519 322 1766 Address: 14 Orange St. Leamington, ON Fax: 519 322-1533 Email: ecc@caldwellfirstnation.ca (mailto:ecc@caldwellfirstnation.ca) and ecc2@caldwellfirstnation.ca (mailto:ecc2@caldwellfirstnation.ca) The Impact Assessment Agency of ...
  • Attachment Included
  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Page 1 of 6 CIAR reference number: 83696 Enclosure 1 Comment Form – Information to Inform the Summary of Issues Project: Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Proponent: Eastern Power Inc. CIAR No.: 83696 End of comment period: July 13, 2022 Indigenous Group Name: Caldwell First Nation (CFN) Contact Name: Michelle McCormack and Zack Hamm Telephone: 519 322 1766 Address: 14 Orange St. Leamington, ON Fax: 519 322-1533 Email: ecc@caldwellfirstnation.ca and ecc2@caldwellfirstnation.ca The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada invites your community to provide information it has available at this time on the Project and its potential effects or impacts (both positive and negative) to the environment and to your community and your Aboriginal Rights. We also welcome your input on how you would like to be engaged throughout the potential assessment process. Your comments will inform the Summary of Issues1 with respect to the ...

Air Quality Climate change Current Use of Lands and Resources for Traditional Purposes by Indigenous Peoples Fish and Fish Habitat Groundwater Quality Indigenous Consultation Method Indigenous Rights Migratory Birds Species at Risk Wildlife / Habitat

Attachment BCSE comments on Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project

  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project
  • Author: Bowman Centre for Sustainable Energy submitted by Marshall Kern
  • Reference Number: 24
  • Submitted: 2022-07-13 - 3:31 PM
  • Project Phase: Planning
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
  • The proponent offers the use of hydrogen as a fuel as an expectation for the future.  If the project is moved ahead for further review, a schedule for the use of hydrogen should become a commitment and requirement for approval. If the project is moved froward for further review there must be consideration and analysis of the carbon intensity of the use of hydrogen as a fuel in a blend with natural gas.  This will determine the extent to which the project will impair the carbon-intensity of the Ontario electricity grid.  We recommend that the carbon intensity of the Ontario electricity grid not be impaired. If the project is moved forward, we recommend that further review must include an analysis of LCOE.  This will permit an objective comparison to other technologies for generating electricity.  It will also allow the final review to assess the economic impact on user ...
  • Attachment Included
  • The Bowman Centre (www.bowmancentre.com) Western Research Park, Sarnia-Lambton 1086 Modeland Road Sarnia, ON, Canada N7S 6L2 Bowman Centre for Sustainable Energy Comments on Hydrogen Ready Power Plant July 13, 2022 REGARDING: Impact Assessment Agency of Canada – registry reference number 83696 (details below): • Location: Courtright (Ontario) • Nature of Activity: Other, not otherwise specified • Assessment Status: In progress • Start Date: 2022-06-13 • Proponent: Eastern Power Inc. • Authorities: Impact Assessment Agency of Canada • Assessment Type: Planning Phase for Impact Assessment • Reference Number: 83696 The Bowman Centre for Sustainable Energy offers these comments on the cited project. Commitment to use hydrogen: Eastern Power Inc. is proposing a natural-gas electricity generating facility that will also be able to use a combination of natural gas and hydrogen. The Initial Project Description provides no ...


Attachment Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project - Request to Review Initial Project Description by July 13, 2022 - MTCS Comments (Reference 83696)

  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project
  • Author: Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS) submitted by Joseph Harvey
  • Reference Number: 16
  • Submitted: 2022-07-12 - 1:24 PM
  • Project Phase: Planning
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
  • Jeff Balsdon,  Please find attached comments from the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport on the Initial Project Description for the Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project (Reference 83696). Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.  Regards,  Joseph Harvey, Heritage Planner, Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
  • Attachment Included
  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Page 1 of 6 CIAR reference number: 83696 Enclosure: Provincial Advice Record: Summary of Issues and Potential Cooperation Plan Project: Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Proponent: Eastern Power Inc. CIAR No.: 83696 Response invited by: July 13, 2022 All comments should be submitted via the Submit a Comment feature available on the Project’s Canadian Impact Assessment Registry page (reference 83696)1. Letters and forms can be uploaded using this feature. If you have any difficulties submitting this way, please contact the Agency at Hydrogen-Hydrogene@iaac-aeic.gc.ca. 1. Confirm whether your ministry would participate in the federal impact assessment process for this Project. Yes No If yes, please provide contact details for the person(s) who will be working with the Agency. Department/Agency: Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport Date of Advice: July 6, 2022 Primary Contact Name, Title, Work Unit: Joseph ...

Sites of Archaeological / Palaeontology / Architectural importance

Attachment Federal Authority Advice Record: Summary of Issues, and Potential Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and Plan, Health Canada's Comments on the Initial Project Description for the Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project

  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project
  • Author: Health Canada submitted by Joel Kaushansky
  • Reference Number: 10
  • Submitted: 2022-07-06 - 5:22 PM
  • Project Phase: Planning
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
  • Please see Health Canada's comments on The Hydrogen Power Plant Project. 
  • Attachment Included
  • 1 Environmental Health Program (EHP) Regulatory Operations & Enforcement Branch (ROEB) Health Canada 180 Queen Street West, 10th Floor Toronto, ON M5V 3L7 July 6, 2022 Jeffrey Balsdon Project Manager, Ontario Region Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 600-55 York Street Toronto, ON M5J 1R7 Submitted to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada Registry for the Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Subject: Health Canada’s Comments on the Initial Project Description for the Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Dear Jeffrey Balsdon, Thank you for your email dated June 13, 2022 requesting Health Canada’s comments on the Initial Project Description for the Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project. Health Canada participates in the impact assessment process as a federal authority under the Impact Assessment Act, upon request. Health Canada ...
  • Attachment Included
  • Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Page 1 of 6 CIAR reference number: 83696 UNCLASSIFIED - NON CLASSIFIÉ Enclosure 2: Federal Authority Advice Record: Summary of Issues, and Potential Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and Plans Project: Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project Proponent: Eastern Power Inc. CIAR No.: 83696 Response due by: July 6, 2022 All comments should be submitted via the Submit a Comment feature available on the Project’s Canadian Impact Assessment Registry page (Reference 83696)1. Letters and forms can be uploaded using this feature. If you have any difficulties submitting this way, please contact the Agency at Hydrogen-Hydrogene@iaac-aeic.gc.ca for assistance. Department/Agency: Health Canada Date of Advice: July 6, 2022 Primary Contact Name, Title, Work Unit: Joel Kaushansky, Impact Assessment Specialist, ROEB Email: joel.kaushansky@hc-sc.gc.ca Phone: (343) 550-6213 Alternate Contact Name, Title, Work Unit: Julie Boudreau, ...

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