Re: Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project - Update on Next Steps in Planning Phase

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Hydrogen Ready Power Plant Project,


 Thank you for this update. I'm excited to see planning progressing for a major project that addresses the climate emergency, if that is indeed what this does.


The timeline for worsening climate impacts is moving much faster than any scientist has predicted - hence the thousands of heat-related deaths around the world recently, including hundreds in Canada. When the Federal government isn't demanding an EIS for the Bradford/Hwy 413 highways in Ontario which will only serve to accelerate the climate emergency, don't you see how hypocritical it would be to demand a full EIS for a project which is designed to save our society and is decades overdue?


Please do a FULL EIS for any major roadway or new fossil fuel-related infrastructure, and reasonably and safely, speed up the process for any projects that will definitely address the negative impacts of climate changes on Canadians, and the world's population in turn.


We need to regain common sense in our leadership today - not in the PC Party slogan sense - but in the real sense of urgency that the climate emergency demands! We're already late enough to be mitigating the worst climate changes that will befall us. 


As I learned at the University of Waterloo in my graduate program in the 1990's, the climate crisis is real and it will kill most if not all of us if we don't act quickly.

Well, now we're dying and still moving too slowly. We need a Federal leader that will form a program for all provinces and territories to cooperate -- and it must be mandatory and enforced by law. Otherwise, what are we doing really? Not much!


Thank you,

Lyn Folkes

Hamilton, Ontario

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Lyn Folkes
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
Date Submitted
2022-07-26 - 12:16 PM
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