CME supports Bruce C Project Proposal

Reference Number

On behalf of CME, I’m pleased to voice our support of the proposed Bruce C project. This undertaking, which would bring up to 4,800 megawatts of new nuclear capacity to the Bruce Power site in Kincardine, Ontario, would go a long way in meeting the predicted increases in energy demands throughout Ontario over the next three decades. Additionally, the project would bring result in economic growth and revenue creation within the Grey-Bruce municipality, and more broadly Ontario and Canada, as our manufacturers continue to provide components to Bruce power’s strong domestic supply chain. Hence, the benefits of this expansion are clear.

This site presents a unique opportunity for Bruce Power to expand its facilities and provide a greater quantity of clean, reliable, nuclear power. Moreover, with local expertise already available and transmission corridors in place, the expansion of this site will be seamless and minimally disruptive. Having worked closely with Bruce Power as a member of its Major Component Advisory Panel and witnessed their commitment to being responsible environmental stewards, we have the utmost confidence in them to continue to reliably deliver clean energy in a sustainable manner.

On behalf of CME, we are proud to support this initiative and champion the innovative work that Bruce Power continues to engage in. The proposed expansion will benefit Canada and Ontario immensely. CME is proud to support it.

Thank You.

Haroun Mansuar

Manager, Environment and Energy Policy

Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME)

Submitted by
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters
Public Notice
Public notice - Public comments invited
Date Submitted
2024-08-29 - 11:57 AM
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