Bruce C and ideal location for a new large CANDU reactor

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Canada and the world needs more carbon free, base load, affordable electricity to help combat climate change.  Bruce C is an ideal site for 4,800MWe of new Nuclear generation, with world class management, workforce, a supportive local community and with Bruce Power an organization that is demonstrating that it can successfully manage large projects of this type.  The site a Bruce offers the earliest oppertunity for Ontario to significantly increse nuclear generation in the province.

Canada has been very successful in developing, and safely opearting canadian developed technology in the form of the CANDU reator.   The design is being updated and enhanced to provide a 1,000 MWe unit known as MONARK.  The selection of a MONARK for Bruce C would contine to provide Canada with fuel security (the fuel does not need to be enriched, a technology not avaiable in Canada), while maximizing local jobs, as the Canadian supply chain is focused on the supply and support of the CANDU reactor.  The successful completion of a MONARK reactor in Canada would creat export potential supporting 10,000's of well paying jobs.  

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Public Notice
Public notice - Public comments invited
Date Submitted
2024-08-18 - 6:03 PM
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