Pakwash Lake Owners Association and Kimberly Budweg of Pakwash Lake Camp May 8, 2024 to June 7, 2024 - Open Comments

Reference Number

Follow up from previous submission and Meeting with Kinross Great Bear dated March 28, 2024

Kinross -Great Bear Project

Since the 3rd meeting with Kinross regarding the future mine,  The majority of our concerns will see the greatest impact on our Pakwash Lake, Chukuni River Waterways , wildlife, fisheries, vegetation and ecosystem once the Mining Operation advances into full production with it’s open pit, underground exploration, and fully operation Large capacity Mill 2025-2029.

The Chukuni and Pakwash Lake Water basin sees a huge variation in water elevation over the years.  Information can be seen here ( has the up to date water basin elevations, aswell as past years floods, and droughts. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

Chukuni River flow percentiles data:

You’ll see it’s split up by quarter-month (or approximately every week).  The maximum flows are at the top of the tables and the minimum are at the bottom.  For average flow, look at the 50th percentile, or the line in the middle of the table.

1.  a) Our Request for Kinross, to Identify The Anderson’s Family Trapline RL87 N068 as Stakeholders.

     b) Our Request for Kinross to Identify Pakwash Lake Owners Association as a Stakeholder 

2.  What will be the 2029 final input and output flow at the Chukuni River be in cubic meters per second in full production.  This is very important, muddy waters and cyanide residue will have a huge impact on the shiner's breeding area on the Chukuni River and the wild cranberries at the dixie creek junction on Chukuni River just below the intake/outtake pipe

3.  What temperature will the water be at discharge into the river, taking into consideration the local flows, weather seasons. Potential effects to surface water and groundwater quality due to seepage from the mine rock, tailings, and overburden during operations and other applicable project phases, and  monitoring measures. 

4.  The new water treatment facility, what are the safety features and added monitoring systems to ensure the cyanid levels are in acceptable levels

5. In full production 2029 approximately , What will the outflow displacement effects be on the Chukuni River?  

6. What monitoring systems are you implementing on the Chukuni River?

7. Shinner monitoring, Wild cranberry monitoring, muskrats, white beaver are all at risk also.

8.  Snake Falls Bridge, Chukuni River Residence, Jette’s Adventures docks and all seasonal uses of the Chukuni River for hunting, fishing, boating, Drinking water and Swimming what impact with the tailings/ outflow have on the Water Quality? Including added hardware in the River?

9.What is the Canadian Dam Safety Guidelines? Provide a link please for information, What is the backup safety plan in case the tailings ponds malfuctions.

10.  The impact on the Local Fisheries….Walleye, Northern, White fish, etc….One Major concern is the Baitfish Spawning area’s, the Shiners spawn up the Chukuni River.  If the shiners are negatively affected, this will have huge impact on the fisheries in the Lake.  Shiners were trapped heavily back in the 1960-70’s which had an impact.  It was agreed by the Wagner's and the Heithoff’s to stop seining shiners.  What plan will be implemented to monitor the fisheries and shiners?

11.  Noise and Dust Polution in the region.

12. Wanting an online accessible monitoring system open to public access

Our small group of property and tourist resort owners have been working hard at improving the fishiery in the Water System.  Past distruction has been reversed since the Griffith Mine impacted the region.  Everyone is extreaming conserned we will loose our way of life and livelyhood.  We are requesting a detailed plan on how the Mine will protect all of the above consernes.  

Submitted by
Pakwash Lake Camp
Public Notice
Public notice - Public Comments Invited on the Draft Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and Public Participation Plan
Date Submitted
2024-06-05 - 8:24 PM
Date modified: