Reference Number

All government agencies should fully authorize this project.   This modern mining operation is essential for the prosperity of this area. Resource development is central to Canada's economy.  Projects such as this are essential for people to live peacefully and content with stable futures. It is a positive benefit for all those who live in this area.  The tax revenue generated supports governments of all types and all levels. These revenues support important features of government services, such as, health care and access infrastructure. WIth high-paying and stable jobs, the income generated supports stable family/community environments. This results in low crime and fewer people depending on the social "safety net".  

There will be impacts on the terrestrial, atmosphere and aquatic environments.  However, in this modern era, there are more than adequate mitigation strategies which result in minimisl or "zero impact" on floral, fauna and their associated habitats.


Submitted by
Robert Partridge
Public Notice
Public notice - Public Comments Invited on the Draft Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and Public Participation Plan
Date Submitted
2024-06-05 - 11:57 AM
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