Pakwash Lake Owners Association and Kimberly Budweg of Pakwash Lake Camp

Reference Number

Our Small group of property owners, residents, and group of locals wish to be identified as a group of individuals in the downstream and close to area, request to be included in the operation and planning, as a group stakeholders.  We have a number of conserns outlined in the Summary of Issues, Great Bear Gold Project, Dated September 29, 2023.  We ask for detaled meetings to outline set up of operations and safegards in place for risks of flooding, drought, fire, storms and potential malfunctions.  Our primary consern is the Water surface and ground, with the impact on the fisheries, water quality, wildlife ie muskrats, and unique plant life in the area, ie wild cranberries. What will the inflow and outflow be at the Chukuni River Pipe intake and outake.  See the attaced LWCB past year water flow ranges in red.  What water temperatures will be discharged into the Chukuni River. Cyanide leaching discharge plans? What is the Canadian Dam Association Dam Safety Guidlines?

One major consern in the immediate area is the Anderson Family Trapline, Part of the Lac Seul's First Nations.  Operated for over 70 years plus, the Family is still trapping in the RL87 N068 trapline, Dustin Anderson, and Don Maw. Their vast trapline includes Dixie Lake, Pakwash Lake, Bruce Lake.  In the WSP July 2023 Kinross report, there is not mention of the Anderson Family Trapline. (muskrats, white beaver) 

In WSP July 2023 map 5.8, East middle of Pakwash Lake, The Refered cottages are Principal residence to 3 families, one being a tourist resort.  There are 6 Tourist Resorts on Pakwash Lake Waterways.  We can no affored our area to be negativley impacted by the New Mine.

Kim Budweg



Submitted by
Kimberly Budweg
Public Notice
  • chukuni river flows.pdf (115.7 KB)
  • Date Submitted
    2024-03-18 - 2:09 PM
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