Environmental impact

Reference Number

I have several concerns regarding this project. Mainly the environmental impact. This air field will effectively destroy an enormous area of agricultural land in the midst of a global food crisis. This land has been and currently is farmed by local farmers and provides hundreds of thousands of bushells of grain to not only feed canadians but contribute to the economy of this country. Our province relies on agriculture and farmers to keep things moving. Eliminating farmland in favor of airplanes that polute the air feels like a step in the wrong direction. 

In addition to the loss of farmland this land is a home to many animals including deer, moose, burrowing owls and thousands of geese and ducks who stop to feed during migration and create their homes here in the summer months. 

This airfield is a mistake. It will be used to pad the pockets of one of the richest families in canada while ruining a natural resource used by local farmers. Local interests must come before corporate interests. 

Submitted by
Hayden Grierson
Public Notice
Public Notice - Comments Invited on the Summary of the Initial Project Description
Comment Tags
Noise Wildlife / Habitat General opposition to project Visual Aesthetics Food Security / Country Foods Land and Resource Use / Tenure
Date Submitted
2023-05-10 - 1:35 PM
Date modified: