Emissions Abatement

Reference Number

The proposal to build new unabated gas fired generation is not compatible with a decarbonized economy.  The International Energy Agency and the Canadian Energy Regulator (among others) have indicated that there can be no further expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure if we are to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.  To build new fossil fuel generation without pollution abatement is a wilfil act to exacerbate dangerous climate change. The international community is becoming more focused on loss and damage attribution for climate impacts. The words "loss and damage" are polite ways to say "liability and compensation." Furthermore, there are growing legal challenges related to ongoing and development of new fossil fuel projects. In Saskatchewan, a court challenge has been commenced (April 2023 - attached) arguing that new construction of unabated fossil fuel generation violates Charter rights to life, security of person, and equality rights. Any consideration of this project should be suspended pending the decision from the court on the present project (Great Plains Power station near Moose Jaw, SK).

This project should not proceed unless pollution abatement equipment is included and the carbon emissions can be sequestered in such a manner that the project does not exacerbate dangerous climate change. The proponent must demonstrate that new projects are compatible with a net zero objective for their fleet of assets or undertake to purchase verifiable carbon offsets for the lifetime of the project.

The Impact Assessment Agency must consider all project proposals in the context of dangerous climate change and the need to decarbonize our economy ASAP.

"We are in the fight of our lives, and we are losing" because we continue to practice business as usual rationalizing ongoing expansion of fossil fuel assets.
"We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator" - Antonio Guterres at COP 27 in Glasgow (Nov 2021).  


Submitted by
Glenn Wright
Public Notice
  • issued_-_originating_application.pdf (653.1 KB)
  • Comment Tags
    Climate change
    Date Submitted
    2023-07-04 - 12:06 PM
    Date modified: