From Métis Nation of Ontario to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada re: Comments on the Northern Road Link Project Draft Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and Draft Indigenous Engagement and Partnership Plan

Reference Number

Thank you for providing the opportunity for the Métis Nation of Ontario to review and comment on the Draft Tailored Impact Assessment Guidelines and the Draft Indigenous Engagement and Participation Plan for the Northern Road Link Project. As you are aware, and as outlined further in the attached edits to ‘Enclosure 3’, the Métis Nation of Ontario Region 2 is not asserting Aboriginal rights within the Northern Road Link Project area at this time. Therefore, the MNO Region 2 is not fully engaging in consultation on this Project at this time. The MNO also does not have project-specific traditional knowledge and land use data for the study area, which would be needed to adequately assess potential impacts of the Project on the exercise of section 35 rights.


As such, we do not have specific comments with regards to the documents, beyond requesting continued follow-up for the next stages in the assessment. We hope that opportunities to provide feedback will continue throughout the Impact Assessment process. In particular, ongoing MNO concerns for the Project regard potential indirect impacts to traditional land use, harvesting, social and cultural practices, community well-being, cumulative effects, and climate change. Additionally, the MNO wishes to be engaged on the archaeological assessment for the Project. Continuance on these issues as well as general project updates throughout the next stages of the project assessment is of interest to the MNO.


We also note that within the IEPP, the Métis Nation of Ontario is referenced as the Indigenous community to be consulted with. In actuality, it is the Métis Nation of Ontario – Region 2, as represented by the Region 2 Consultation Committee. The structure and protocol for consultation with the MNO Region 2 is further outlined within the established consultation protocols (see attached).


Please also see attached, the MNO’s edits and additions to the document ‘Enclosure 3 – Summary of Information on Potential Impacts of the Northern Road Link Project on the Métis Nation of Ontario’. The MNO’s understanding is that this summary is a living document that can be added to and amended throughout the impact assessment process. If you have any questions or require additional follow-up, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Marsi ~ Miigwetch ~ Thank you ~ Merci


Erin Reimer (she/her)

Mineral Development Advisor – Northwest

Lands, Resources & Consultations

Métis Nation of Ontario


E: (

C: 807.355.5622

W: (



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From: Northern Road / Route Du Nord (IAAC/AEIC) < (>
Sent: June 21, 2023 3:22 PM
To: Victoria Stinson < (>
Cc: Erin Reimer < (>; Consultations < (>
Subject: Request for Comments on the Draft Tailored Impact Assessment Guidelines and the Draft Indigenous Engagement and Participation Plan by July 21, 2023, on the Northern Road Link Project


Dear Métis Nation of Ontario:


Please see the attached letter and enclosures from the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) regarding the proposed Northern Road Link Project (the Project).


The Agency is conducting a 30-day comment period from June 21, 2023 to July 21, 2023 to seek input on draft planning documents for the federal impact assessment of the Project. The draft Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and the draft Indigenous Engagement and Partnership Plan are attached for your review and consideration, and are also available on the Project’s Registry Internet site at (


Additionally, the Agency invites your community to review and validate the information contained in enclosure three by July 21, 2023. This document was originally sent in our correspondence of May 23, 2023. 


Thank you for expressing your interest in a virtual meeting. We look forward to finding a mutual date and time to discuss the Project, and any comments or questions your community may have.


Kind regards,

Caitlin Cafaro


Senior Consultation Analyst

Crown Consultation Coordinator


Northern Road Link Project

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada / Government of Canada ( / 416-952-1576


Gestionnaire de Projets par intérim, Région de l’Ontario

Agence d’evaluation d’impact du Canada / Gouvernement du Canada ( / 416-952-1576


Attention: This email originated from outside the MNO. Please use caution when clicking links, opening attachments or replying to requests for account information or funds.


Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Métis Nation of Ontario
Public Notice
Public Notice - Comments Invited on the Draft Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and Public Participation Plan
  • 230721-Enclosure 3 - Summary of information on potential impacts of the NRL Project on MNO-MNO Edits_Redacted.pdf (227 KB)
  • MNO Region 2 Consultation Protocol - Lakehead-Nipigon-Michipicoten_Redacted.pdf (447.7 KB)
  • Date Submitted
    2023-07-21 - 3:35 PM
    Date modified: