Spanish Mountain Gold Project

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Attachment Women and Gender Equality Canada Federal Authority Advice Record and Comments - Spanish Mountain Gold Project

  • Spanish Mountain Gold Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Women and Gender Equality Canada
  • Reference Number: 21
  • Submitted: 2022-05-06
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
  • Please see the attached submission
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  • Page 1 of 4 Women and Gender Equality Canada Comments on: (BC) Spanish Mountain Gold Mine Project IPD (version March 15, 2022) (for improving intersectional GBA Plus approach) Note: WAGE recommends using the term “GBA Plus” instead of “GBA+”. The Plus is no longer a symbol, rather spelled out to emphasize the intersectional approach of GBA Plus. Comment Organization Document Section/Page # Participant Issues, Description or Comment WAGE-01 Initial project Description Summary Potential Project Interactions / Table S3 Preliminary identification of potential project interactions (page xix) WAGE has some concerns related to the lack of information in the preliminary identification on potential project interactions. Currently it does not include potential health, social and economic components based on Project-social interactions (FYI: Canadian research/evidence demonstrates that designated projects impact women, Indigenous peoples and other ...
  • Attachment Included
  • Federal Authority Advice Record Form Spanish Mountain Gold Project – Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. Response due by May 6, 2022 Please submit the form to: Agency File: 005827 Registry Reference No.: 83495 Department/Agency Women and Gender Equality Canada Lead IA Contact Denise Gareau Full Address 22 Eddy St., Gatineau QC Email Telephone 819-938-1132 Alternate Departmental Contact Jessica Bialek 1. Is it probable that your department or agency may be required to exercise a power or perform a duty or function related to the Project to enable it to proceed? If yes, specify the Act of Parliament and that power, duty or function. WAGE does not hold any regulatory power, functions or duties. 2. Is your department or agency in possession of specialist or expert information or knowledge that may be relevant to the conduct of an impact assessment of the ...


Attachment Indigenous Services Canada Federal Authority Advice Record and Comments - Spanish Mountain Gold Project

  • Spanish Mountain Gold Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Indigenous Services Canada
  • Reference Number: 15
  • Submitted: 2022-04-26
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
  • Please see the attached submission
  • Attachment Included
  • GCDOCS # 102022794 Federal Authority Advice Record Form Spanish Mountain Gold Project – Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. Response due by May 6, 2022 Please submit the form to: Agency File: 005827 Registry Reference No.: 83495 Department/Agency Indigenous Services Canada  Lead IA Contact Anik Guertin Full Address 10 Wellington Street, Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0H4 Email Telephone 613-297-3730 Alternate Departmental Contact Joseph Whiteside: Danielle Jeddore: 1. Is it probable that your department or agency may be required to exercise a power or perform a duty or function related to the Project to enable it to proceed? If yes, specify the Act of Parliament and that power, duty or function. Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) is not responsible for approving or issuing licences, permits or authorizations for the assessments ...
  • Attachment Included
  • 1 GCDOCS # 102424156 Spanish Mountain Gold Project The following comments have been provided by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) regarding the Initial Project Description (IPD) for the Spanish Mountain Gold Project proposed by Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. (SMG). Manager: Name: Email: Anik Guertin Project Officer(s): Name: Email: Danielle Jeddore Joseph Whiteside Comment #: Page #: Section: Original: Suggested Amendment: ISC-01 XIX Table S3 Preliminary Identification of Potential Project Interactions Economic: support Indigenous communities’ agencies with training and skills development. Recommend including employment and procurement opportunities as additional examples of potential mitigation. The text could potentially read: Example of potential mitigation Economic: support Indigenous ...


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