Climate crisis makes it imperative to conserve and rehabilitate the bridge

Reference Number

It is foolhardy to needlessly demolish structures which embody as much carbon as this bridge unless you have proved beyond all doubts there is no other alternative.  Please continue to investigate other options, as was recommended by the project proponent's own consultants (MMM 2018), 

As well, in a climate crisis, with Canada's record of failing to meet all its previous carbon reduction targets, it is just UNFORGIVABLE to build a bridge which will encourage automobile traffic over other lreduced carbon or even carbon-neutral modes. We should be doing everything possible to persuade citizens to switch to carbon-neutral transportation methods.  Decades of superhighway construction shows expanding highways only invites more and more and more vehicles, the vast majoriy of which are fossil-fuel-dependent.  

For the future of Canadians, please choose conservation and rehabilition, not demolition. 


that recommended that additional studies be completed before a final decision is made (on whether to rehabilitate or replace the existing bridge)


The Alexandra Bridge Coalition believes that the retention and rehabilitation this iconic bridge is the best option for protecting the historic, engineering, and environmental values of the bridge, best supports the Government of Canada’s prioritization of sustainability, and represents the most effective use of public funds.

Submitted by
Kae Elgie
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
Comment Tags
Climate change Human Health and Well-Being Project Alternatives
Date Submitted
2022-04-24 - 3:05 PM
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