Partial opening of bridge during construction

Reference Number

As a Quebec resident, whose work and arts community flows between Ottawa and Gatineau, I hope there is a way to keep a lane, even just for active transportation open during this needed revitalization project. Alexandra Bridge is the most central bridge for accessing arts organizations, institutions and arts events between Ottawa and Gatineau, and I am very concerned about the impact on community connectivity,  ease of movement - especially for those who depend on walking or cycling across this bridge, as to walk to another and double-back would make many of my colleagues late to work! Please, if there is a way for this major, important route to remain accessible during the project that would benefit my community and many others that lead interprovinical lives. Thank you.

Submitted by
Royal Canadian Academy of Arts
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
Date Submitted
2022-04-22 - 8:33 AM
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