Concerns about the Upper Beaver Gold Project

Reference Number

Good Morning,

I am a student of Biology and Environmental Studies, currently taking a course looking into the Environmental Impact Assessment process. I would like to express my apprehension regarding the Upper Beaver Gold Project, and address a few questions I have after reading through the proposed project and other comments.


  • The greatest positive impact from this project comes from economic prosperity, as well as a market need for gold and copper. I wonder what the proponent's plan is to support the surrounding economy after the mine’s lifespan has expired? If this project goes through, the impact on the nearby environment will be seen long after the mine has closed, so I hope that the positive economic impact will be seen long after as well.


  • This project lies in the heart of Beaverhouse First Nation, with the main community centre only 2.5km away from the proposed mine site. The Canadian Government has asserted that the most detrimental effects of open-pit mines are: air pollution; water contamination; noise; and wildlife disturbance. All of these effects will hinder the ability of Beaverhouse First Nation to conduct their traditional rights in their territory. The nation has also expressed that the historical mines have negatively impacted their community, so I would urge the Minister to consider the cumulative impacts of mining in the area.


  • This region is important to the surrounding community for a number of recreational uses, including whitewater paddling that occurs on the Misema River. By redirecting a section of this waterway, it will take away this source of fun and passion for the community. Is there a positive impact from the project that would satisfy the community in the same way?


  • The proponent has suggested that “compensatory aquatic habitat” will be arranged following the dewatering of York Lake and the redirection of the Misema River. I am curious as to where this will take place and if it will benefit the community directly affected by the mine? If this project goes through, I would suggest the compensation to occur nearby so the impact can be felt by the local people and wildlife.


Thank you for your time and consideration,

MacKenzie Johnston


Submitted by
University of Victoria
Impact Statement
Public Notice
Date Submitted
2023-10-05 - 12:56 PM
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