Expansion of the Breslau Airport

Reference Number

As a Long time Generational resident of Breslau, I can say with Great certainty speaking on behalf of the residents of Breslau that the residents of Breslau Do NOT Want Large Jets Flying directly over Breslau at Any time.

I agree with Jennifer Williams with regards to the nearby airport meant to be for small planes only.

At first glance of file 138384E.pdf Figure: Runway 14-32 Extension Project I can see, will clearly interfere with the town of Breslau, having, I presume, Large Jets flying directly over Breslau. This is unexceptable. If and only if, Small planes are the Only planes that will be using the newly expanded runway I see no large problem short of the environment and demand not yet in existance.

I think, at this time, that the demand does not justify the expansion. That Said, if and when there is a Needed expansion, the expansion should be the Addition on another runway running parallel along side of Runway 08-26 as there is plenty of space also keeping flight paths of Large planes in uniform.

Submitted by
Breslau Resident
Public Notice
Date Submitted
2021-04-17 - 5:23 PM
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