Federal Impact Assessment Needed

Reference Number

I am writing as a second generation, born in Alberta resident, regarding my support for a full federal Environmental Impact Assessment of Montem Resources' proposal to reopen the metallurgical coal mine on Tent Mountain.

The eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies must be protected from harmful exploitation for short term monetary or political gain which compromises Southern Albertans' needs such as water. The present Alberta provincial government has demonstrated by its policies, and actions that it is incapable of the careful evidence based examination required in this case.

I ask that you acknowledge the importance of such an examination and require a full federal Environmental Impact Assesment of Montem Resources' proposal.

Submitted by
Charles Shifflett
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
Date Submitted
2021-12-16 - 11:37 PM
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