Comment from Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition submitted via email

Reference Number

Dear Lake Simcoe MPs, Minister Wilkinson, and the IAAC, 


In cooperation with local residents I have just sent the following press release to media. This is about the Bradford Bypass / Holland Marsh highway proposal, the very confusing timelines offered by the province, and the contradictory statements that have been made. 


I would like to note that the IAAC's timeline for comments was very short, both for municipalities to be able to respond, and for the public to make comments. We were not aware that the public comment period would be cut so short. We would like you to continue to accept responses, as at the moment there are so many contradictory statements that, for instance, York Region discussed and provided feedback to the IAA based on MTO comments that have yet to be substantiated regarding travel time saved. We feel that the public and municipalities are being misled by the province. 


Many of you love Lake Simcoe and ask how you can help. Thank you! In this instance you can either support a Federal Review of the highway project or you can help us by asking the province to get organized and determine which studies they will do, when, provide details on consultation, and for them to not build anything until this is complete and Lake Simcoe is protected.

Please be in touch to answer whether public comments are being accepted at this point by the IAAC.




Claire Malcolmson


Executive Director

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition
Public Notice
Date Submitted
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