Strip coal mines do not belong

Reference Number

I am writing in strong opposition to this proposed project for the following reasons:

  • It threatens the ecological integrity of abundant and pristine trout streams
  • It threatens the water quality of downstream communities 
  • It is in opposition to the connective vision of Yukon to Yellowstone which could impact migratory populations of sheep, elk, and bears -- which in turn impacts the resiliency of local hunting and tourism opportunities.
  • It negatively impacts the aesthetic value of the eastern slopes
  • Trading intact habitats for coal mining is in conflict with the national climate agenda

Coal mining (especially open-pit mines) do not make sense here at this place in time. Our future is NOT coal and to trade off what is a functioning ecosystem for something so backwards just does not make any sense ecologically or economically. 

Please deny this project.

Submitted by
Caroline Hedin
Public Notice
Comment Tags
Fish and Fish Habitat Wildlife / Habitat Surface Water Quality Visual Aesthetics Indigenous Culture
Date Submitted
2021-01-03 - 6:00 PM
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