Castle Mine Review Panel

Reference Number

To whom it may concern,

I understand that the federal government is considering how it will conduct its environmental assessment of the Castle coal project in the Elk Valley. I am writing to state the obvious, that there is a significant impact at stake here which demands the highest possible level of scrutiny.

Nothing short of an independent review panel can ensure that adequate science and expert input will inform all decisions about the project. 

Furthermore, in the interest of transparency and accountability, as well as adequate public input, I submit that it is the government’s responsibility to name an independent panel to conduct this review. 

While the temptation to acquiesce to financial interests may be significant, let us consider what keeps us all alive: access to clean water. So much about this proposed project could doom the already polluted yet precious water systems in the area, and threaten significant fish and wildlife habitat, let alone create significant fallout for ourselves.

There is no credible reason not to assign an independent and objective panel of experts for this environmental review. You will be representing the best interest of our people and our long-term environmental resources in doing so. Thank you for your consideration.

Jeff Sotropa

Cranbrook, BC
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Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Jeff Sotropa
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
Date Submitted
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