Concerns Over The Suncor Base Mine Expansion Project

Reference Number


Greetings. As a resident of the Fort McMurray urban service area, I have large concerns with this expansion project. It project boundary is EXTREMELY close to the city limits and will cause a severe negative impact to the qualitiy of life for the residents of the city itself. Even if mitigation techniques are deployed (such as large berms, fencing, etc), it will post to much of an negative land-use impact. Suncor wants to mine this area due to the cost-effectiveness of using existing infrastructure, but the residents of Fort McMurray do not support this particular expansion due to it's proposed encroachment. Suncor has enough lease space elsewhere where it does not have to come this close to the permanently densely-populated area. Thanks.

Submitted by
Todd Hillier
Impact Statement
Public Notice
Date Submitted
2021-06-26 - 6:13 PM
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