FW: Prairie Lights Power Project Response and Comments

Reference Number

After reviewing the information that you have provided Initial Project details to Sucker Creek First Nation. I have attached a response letter and comments with regarding to Prairies Lights Power Project. After reviewing the project details Sucker Creek First Nations deems it necessary that we be included in the Impact Assessment as this proposed project is within our asserted lands and Traditional Territory. Sucker Creek First Nation takes every proposed project within our Traditional Territory seriously and a project of this size definitely there will be Traditional land use impacts.


Thank you,


Leigh Ann Ward

Sucker Creek First Nation Consultation Department

Consultation Director

(O) 780-523-2098

(C) 780-394-7117

leighann@scfn.ca (mailto:leighann@scfn.ca)

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Sucker Creek First Nation
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on a Summary of the Initial Project Description
  • Prairie Lights Power Project Response letter-signed.pdf (66.1 KB)
  • Date Submitted
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