Protect marine life from noise and spills

Reference Number

To The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada,


I am writing to oppose changing the exclusion zone for sea lions and seals from 7.32 km to just 125 m. This would allow marine life in Howe Sound to be exposed to noise as loud as 190 decibels. Noises above 160 decibels can still cause serious stress or long-term damage.
Steller sea lions are a species of special concern and Howe Sound is a UNESCO biosphere reserve. Extra care must be taken to avoid impacts to marine life here, and not cutting corners on conditions meant to protect the environment.
Water quality is also important to marine life like sea lions and seals. Only requiring Woodfibre to take action to protect human health when pollutants exceed guidelines risks exposing marine mammals to dangerous chemicals.
Woodfibre LNG chose the site for its project knowing it had historic contamination and they would have to take responsibility for it. The Impact Assessment Agency should not limit the company’s requirements to report and remedy any spills or sediment to that caused by the project itself.


Yours truly,

Pascaline Phillips <personal information removed>

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Pascaline Phillips
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on Proposed Changes to the Project
Date Submitted
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