Stop Woodfibre LNG from harming seals and sea lions

Reference Number

Dear Minister Guilbeault,

As a 60 year resident of North Vancouver I am writing to express my significant concern about the proposed changes to conditions for the Woodfibre LNG export facility. As the final decision maker, I urge you not to approve these proposed changes, which I believe will increase the adverse effects of the project.

The proponent has requested that the monitoring area for underwater noise impacts to seals and sea lions be reduced from 7,322 metres to just 125 metres during construction.

However, Woodfibre LNG is located in the Átl’?a7tsem / Howe Sound UNESCO Biosphere Region, which is recognized internationally as "a cultural and ecological treasure." Steller sea lions are listed as a species of "Special Concern" under the Species at Risk Act, and have only recently returned to Átl’?a7tsem / Howe Sound.

As a boater I have seen a marvelous wildlife recovery since the closure of the Woodfibre Pulp Mill and the treatment of the poisonous discharge from the closed Britannia Copper Mine. This recovery will be in jeopardy if every opportunity is not made to protect all of Howe Sound. Please protect the Canadian environment over the profits of RGE, a foreign investor with a poor record of environmental stewardship

Woodfibre LNG must be held to the highest standards, and must employ the precautionary principle to minimize impacts to wildlife and ecosystems.

Please reject these proposed changes.



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Terry Beech, MP

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Lois Nordin
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on Proposed Changes to the Project
Date Submitted
2023-01-30 - 6:53 PM
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