Stop Woodfibre LNG from harming seals and sea lions

Reference Number

Dear Minister Guilbeault,

Howe Sound is an ecological treasure for all but those who use double-speak to maintain that impacting it in major ways for private gain will nonetheless keep it an ecological treasure, namely industry+government.

Do you really believe establishing an LNG fossil fuel export project in Howe Sound is not an outright contradiction to the raison d'être for a UNESCO Biosphere Region?

I am writing to express my disbelief regarding the proposed changes to conditions for the Woodfibre LNG export facility. I urge you as the final decision maker not to approve these proposed changes, which I believe can only increase the inevitable adverse effects of the project.

The proponent has requested that the monitoring area for underwater noise impacts to seals and sea lions be reduced from 7,322 metres to just 125 metres during construction.

It's laughable! Why even have a monitoring area if the proponent can simply ask it be virtually eliminated? Is this a joke? What's the next impact to be requested to be reduced? Or even violation that will not receive any consequence?

Woodfibre LNG is located in the Átl’?a7tsem, a region recognized internationally as "a cultural and ecological treasure", a UNESCO Biosphere Region! Steller sea lions are listed as a species of "Special Concern" under the Species at Risk Act, and have only recently returned to Átl’?a7tsem / Howe Sound. Why do we have such care and dedication to designate protection of our natural areas if the next big money-maker is going to get the green light to move in regardless of the inevitable future change to it all?

Woodfibre LNG clearly cannot be held to the highest standards, which, once they are "modified" will of course become modified even further... in time.

Canada AVOIDS employing the precautionary principle to minimize impacts to wildlife and ecosystems wherever there are industrial impacts on our coastal waters, so why would we employ the principle in this one circumstance? Remember for example how DFO sleezed its way around the Strickland Decision on the Precautionary Principle.

Please reject these proposed changes.


Sabra Woodworth

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North Vancouver B.C.
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Jonathan Wilkinson, MP

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Sabra Woodworth
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on Proposed Changes to the Project
Date Submitted
2023-01-30 - 6:41 PM
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