Save Our Seals

Reference Number

I do not support the proposed changes to conditions 3.8 and 6.4.

These conditions were created to protect marine/aquatic life as well as those whose territories are located in this area. Any changes to these conditions would undoubtedly lead to an even greater negative impact by Woodfibre LNG to Howe Sound.

Woodfibre LNG would have been made aware of these conditions in their planning and it is entirely up to them to decide what may or may not be profitable.  This territory is so rich in biodiversity, and is home to various keystone species throughout the region. 

I urge Minister Guilbeault not to approve these changes.

Submitted by
Michelyn Carmody
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on Proposed Changes to the Project
Date Submitted
2023-01-31 - 12:43 AM
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