I oppose WoodFibre LNG's proposed amendments to its Environmetal Assessment Certificate

Reference Number

Comments re condition 3.8:

  • Changing the exclusion zone for sea lions and seals from 7,322 m to just 125 m would allow Woodfibre LNG to expose wildlife to noise as loud as a repeated shot-gun blasts for five to six months during construction. Steller Sea Lions have only recently returned to Átl’?a7tsem / Howe Sound, and are listed as a species of special concern under the Federal Species at Risk Act (SARA). The federal government has a responsibility to protect this species and their habitat.
  • The science about underwater noise impacts is rapidly evolving. Woodfibre LNG appears to rely on outdated science to inform its rationale for changing condition 3.8

Comments re condition 6.4:

  • Woodfibre LNG wants to limit its responsibility for contaminants attributable to the project. This is problematic due to the site's history as a pulp mill, and it is likely that construction activities will release and remobilize pollutants, despite remediation efforts. Woodfibre LNG chose the site for its project knowing it had historic contamination. The Impact Assessment Agency should not limit the company’s requirements to report and remedy any spills or sediment to that caused only by the project itself.
  • Woodfibre LNG wants to limit mitigation measures to only those that reduce associated risk to human health. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has warned that this change "could allow the proponent to use administrative controls to prevent human exposure to contamination instead of preventing contaminants from entering the environment. For example, the proponent could prohibit the consumption of contaminated fish instead of mitigating the source of contamination." Water quality is important for all aquatic life. Only requiring Woodfibre to take action to protect human health when pollutants exceed guidelines risks exposing aquatic life to contaminants.
Submitted by
Liz Newton
Public Notice
Public Notice - Public Comments Invited on Proposed Changes to the Project
Date Submitted
2023-01-30 - 7:29 PM
Date modified: