In Situ Decommissioning of the Whiteshell Reactor #1

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221 results

Document FPIRT Information Requests for the WR-1 Revised Environmental Impact Statement

  • Project In Situ Decommissioning of the Whiteshell Reactor #1
  • Document Category: Additional Information
  • Reference Number: 106
  • Updated: 2023-04-27
  • Document: 147457E.pdf
  • Relevance: 355.05
  • E-Doc: 7023815 CNL responses to federal, provincial and Indigenous information requests (IRs) on the draft revised environmental assessment statement for the proposed WR-1 In Situ Decommisioning Project April 2023 Table 1: CNL Responses to Federal, Provincial and Indigenous IRs on the draft Environmental Impact Statement, December 2022 (Acceptance of round 1 IRs). Round 1 IRs submitted to CNL December 2017, TSD ( Table 2: Federal, Provincial and Indigenous ...
1 alternate format found
French PDF
  • Relevance: 304.05
  • E-Doc: 7023815 CNL responses to federal, provincial and Indigenous information requests (IRs) on the draft revised environmental assessment statement for the proposed WR-1 In Situ Decommisioning Project April 2023 Table 1: CNL Responses to Federal, Provincial and Indigenous IRs on the draft Environmental Impact Statement, December 2022 (Acceptance of round 1 IRs). Round 1 IRs submitted to CNL December 2017, TSD ( Table 2: Federal, Provincial and Indigenous ...

Document Sagkeeng Anicinabe Psychosocial Impact Assessment

  • Project In Situ Decommissioning of the Whiteshell Reactor #1
  • Document Category: Additional Information
  • Reference Number: 101
  • Updated: 2022-12-15
  • Document: 146118E.pdf
  • Relevance: 342.53
  • Pr ep ar ed b y: N ar ra tiv es In c. 10 2- 18 1 Ba nn at yn e Av e. W in ni pe g, M B R3 B 0R 4 w w w .n ar ra tiv es in c. co m Pr ep ar ed F or : Sa gk ee ng F irs t N at io n Bo x 3, F or t A le xa nd er , M B R0 E 0P 0 w w w .s ag ke en g. ca Re po rt T itl e: Sa gk ee ng A ni ci na be Ps yc ho so ci al Im pa ct As se ss m en t 2020-10-26 Quality Information Report Prepared for: Sagkeeng First ...
1 alternate format found
French PDF
  • Relevance: 291.53
  • Pr ep ar ed b y: N ar ra tiv es In c. 10 2- 18 1 Ba nn at yn e Av e. W in ni pe g, M B R3 B 0R 4 w w w .n ar ra tiv es in c. co m Pr ep ar ed F or : Sa gk ee ng F irs t N at io n Bo x 3, F or t A le xa nd er , M B R0 E 0P 0 w w w .s ag ke en g. ca Re po rt T itl e: Sa gk ee ng A ni ci na be Ps yc ho so ci al Im pa ct As se ss m en t 2020-10-26 Quality Information Report Prepared for: Sagkeeng First ...

Document Building Condition Assessment - In Situ Decommissioning of WR-1 at the Whiteshell Laboratories Site - Revision 1

  • Project In Situ Decommissioning of the Whiteshell Reactor #1
  • Document Category: Additional Information
  • Reference Number: 87
  • Updated: 2022-05-30
  • Document: 146092E.pdf
  • Relevance: 324.78
  • OFFICIAL USE ONLY This document and the information contained in it is the property of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL). No use, disclosure, exploitation or transfer of any information contained herein is permitted in the absence of an agreement with AECL, and the document may not be released without the written consent of AECL. © Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Supplier Document Building Condition Assessment In-situ Decommissioning of Whiteshell Reactor 1 (WR-1) ...
1 alternate format found
French PDF
  • Relevance: 273.78
  • OFFICIAL USE ONLY This document and the information contained in it is the property of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL). No use, disclosure, exploitation or transfer of any information contained herein is permitted in the absence of an agreement with AECL, and the document may not be released without the written consent of AECL. © Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Supplier Document Building Condition Assessment In-situ Decommissioning of Whiteshell Reactor 1 (WR-1) ...

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