Public Notice
Josephine Cone Mine Project – Public Comments Invited and Federal Funding Available

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a comprehensive study type of environmental assessment of the proposed Josephine Cone Mine Project located in Ontario. The public is invited to comment on the project and the conduct of the comprehensive study.

The public is also invited to comment on the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines that identify potential environmental effects to be addressed and information that needs to be included in the proponent's EIS. Public comments received will be reviewed and considered before the guidelines are finalized and issued to the proponent.

The draft EIS Guidelines and more information on this project are available on the Agency's website at (registry reference number 12-03-66282). To obtain a paper copy of the document, contact the project manager listed in this notice. To view a copy of the document, please visit one of the following locations:

  • Atikokan Public Library
    214 Sykes Street
  • Dryden Public Library
    36 Van Horne Avenue
  • Fort Frances Public Library
    601 Reid Avenue
  • Ignace Public Library
    36 Highway 17 West
  • Thunder Bay Public Library
    Brodie Resource Library
    216 Brodie Street South
  • Thunder Bay Public Library
    Waverly Resource Library
    285 Red River Road

Written comments in either official language must be sent by June 14, 2012 to:

Josephine Cone Mine Project
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Amiel Blajchman, Project Manager
55 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 907
Toronto ON M4T 1M2
Telephone: 416-952-1576
Fax: 416-952-1573

All comments received will be considered public and will become part of the project file. This is the first of several public comment periods that will occur during the environmental assessment of the project.

$36,000 available for public participation

The Agency is making available $36,000 under its participant funding program to assist groups and individuals to participate in activities related to subsequent public consultations during this environmental assessment.

Applications received by June 14, 2012 will be considered. To submit an application or to obtain additional information on the program, contact:

Participant Funding Program
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Ina Zanovello
160 Elgin Street, 22nd Floor
Ottawa ON K1A 0H3
Telephone: 1-866-582-1884 or 613-960-0282
Fax: 613-948-9172

Information on the Participant Funding Program, including a guide and the application form, is available on the Agency's website.

The Proposed Project

Map depicting the location of the project, as described in the current document.

Bending Lake Iron Group Limited's proposed project consists of the construction, operation and decommissioning of an iron ore mine located approximately 49 kilometres southwest of Ignace, Ontario. The project is proposed to process approximately 56 000 tonnes of iron ore per day from one open pit and move approximately 43 000 tonnes of waste rock per day on an average day for the entire mine life. Based upon an expected total resource in excess of 500 million tonnes, the mine is projected to have a life span greater than 25 years.

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency administers the federal environmental assessment process, which identifies the environmental effects of proposed projects and measures to address those effects, in support of sustainable development.

Document reference number: 5

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