Appendix A

Joint Review Panel – Pierre River Mine Project
Application for Interested Party Status

Those persons who wish to participate in all aspects of the public hearing for the proposed Pierre River Mine project must apply for Interested Party status by submitting a brief written application of a maximum of five pages to the Panel with the following information:

  1. Your name or your organization's name, address, phone number, and email address.
  2. If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the purpose of the organization and its membership.
  3. A brief explanation of:
    • The relevance of the project to you;
    • Your specific connection with the project area or activities: and
    • How the project may affect your interests.
  4. A summary of the relevant information or expertise that you or your organization can provide to assist the Panel.
  5. A brief statement describing:
    • How you or your group or a representative intend to participate in the environmental assessment process; and
    • The issues that you or your group intend to address and why those issues are relevant to your interests.
  6. An explanation of how you or your group is collaborating or may be prepared to collaborate with other persons or groups whose interests or perspectives may overlap with yours.

Applicants who have shared interests or a similar perspective in the review should submit a single application for Interested Party status and list the members of the group or groups who are collaborating in the participation.

The Panel may group parties with similar interest together and grant Interested Party status on the condition that the members of the group or groups co-operate to participate as a single Interested Party.

Document reference number: 200

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