Notice of Commencement of an Environmental Assessment

Sisson Project (Tungsten and Molybdenum Mine)

Bird Brook; Juniper; Sisson Brook; Stanley; West Branch Napadogan Brook; West Branch Nashwaak River (NB)

August 8, 2011 (Updated November 18, 2011) -- Under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (the Act), the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is responsible for exercising the powers and performing the duties and functions of the responsible authority for certain projects subject to a comprehensive study.

Based on information it has received, the Agency has determined that the project is described in the comprehensive study list and that an environmental assessment pursuant to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act is required. As a result, a comprehensive study commenced on July 25, 2011.

Northcliff Resources Limited has proposed the construction and operation of an open pit tungsten and molybdenum mine and associated infrastructure at Sisson Brook, New Brunswick, approximately 60 kilometres northwest of Fredericton. The mine would extract between 20,000 and 40,000 tonnes per day of tungsten and molybdenum -containing ore for on-site processing. The mine and ore processing plant would have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years and employ approximately 200 to 300 people. The ore body intersects Sisson Brook. It is also likely that waste rock deposit and tailings impoundment areas in designated areas would be located in portions of Bird Brook or another tributary to the West Branch Napadogan Brook.

The project includes all activities and physical works associated with the construction, operation and decommissioning of the proposed Sisson Project, including, but not limited to, the following activities and components:

  • mining by conventional open pit methods;
  • storage of ore and waste rock;
  • stockpiling of organics and overburden;
  • on-site ore processing;
  • tailings storage facility, waste treatment storage and disposal facilities;
  • ancillary infrastructure (on-site accommodations for construction personnel and operating staff, fuel handling facility, two-storey administration building, assay office, truck stop, container and freight storage, and a sewage treatment plant);
  • diversion of clean surface water away from project facilities (e.g., open pit, tailings storage facility);
  • collection of precipitation on the Project site, and groundwater flows into the pit, for use in operations;
  • discharge of surplus water, with treatment as needed to meet permitting conditions;
  • watercourse alteration (Sisson Brook and Bird Brook);
  • power distribution systems (30-50 megawatts) to connect to the New Brunswick power grid including new 25-kilometre transmission line;
  • transportation of the mineral products off-site; and
  • decommissioning of facilities, and reclamation and closure of the site.

An environmental assessment is required in relation to the project because Fisheries and Oceans Canada may take action in relation to paragraphs 36(5)(a) to (e), where the regulation made pursuant to those paragraphs contains a provision that limits the application of the regulation to a named site of the Fisheries Act, to section 32 of the Fisheries Act and to subsection 35(2) of the Fisheries Act and because Natural Resources Canada may take action in relation to paragraph 7(1)(a) of the Explosives Act.

This project is also subject to the environmental assessment requirements of the Government of New Brunswick.

As per the Cabinet Directive on Improving the Performance of the Regulatory System for Major Resource Projects, this environmental assessment has been identified as a major natural resource project. For additional information refer to the Major Projects Management Office's Tracker that monitors the progress of proposed major resource projects through the federal regulatory review system.

For further information on this environmental assessment, please contact:
Sisson Project
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Joanne Weiss Reid, Project Manager
1801 Hollis St.
Suite 200
Halifax  NS  B3J 3N4
Telephone : 902-426-0564
Fax : 902-426-6550
Email :

and refer to Registry reference number 11-03-63169

Document reference number: 9

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