Arnaud Mine Project


Status: On October 13, 2011, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency received an acceptable project description and is now determining if a comprehensive study should commence.

About the Project: (Update) On September 9, 2011, the Agency received an acceptable project description that was posted as "under consideration". On October 13, 2011, the Agency received additional information from the proponent that modified certain important aspects of the project description. October 13, 2011 is now the new date of receipt of the acceptable project description. The proposed project consists of the construction, operation and decommissioning of an approximately 24-million-tonne apatite concentrate and 48-million-tonne titaniferous magnetite concentrate mine. The project includes an open-pit mine, crushing facilities, an ore processing plant, an apatite concentrate loading system, an electricity grid, a tailings storage facility, including titaniferous magnetite storage bins, service buildings, and moving a section of the railway.

Proponent: Mine Arnaud Inc.

Document reference number: 9

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