News Release
Raven Underground Coal Mine Project – Availability of $100,000 to Participate in the Environmental Assessment

OTTAWA – November 16, 2010 – The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is making available $100,000 under its Participant Funding Program to assist groups and individuals to participate in the federal environmental assessment of the proposed Raven Underground Coal Mine Project in British Columbia.

To receive funding, successful applicants must participate in the federal environmental assessment of the project. This funding is intended for upcoming steps in the comprehensive study process.

A funding review committee, independent of the federal environmental assessment process, will consider all applications and make recommendations on the allocation of funds. Applications received by the Agency by December 20, 2010 will be considered.

Information on the program, including the Participant Funding Program Guide, the application form and the contribution agreement, is available at . Information on the proposed project is also available on the Agency’s Web site, in the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry, under reference number 10-03-55529 .

Compliance Coal Corporation (doing business as the Comox Joint Venture) proposes the development of an underground coal mine approximately 20 kilometres south of Courtenay on eastern Vancouver Island, in British Columbia. The coal will be transported from the mine by truck on existing highways to the port of Port Alberni. Upgrading work at Port Alberni is to be conducted by the proponent to enable shipment of coal offshore.

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency administers the federal environmental assessment process, which identifies the environmental effects of proposed projects and measures to address those effects, in support of sustainable development.

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Media may contact:

Maxine Leger-Haskell
Communications Advisor
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Tel.: 613-957-0406

Document reference number: 7

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