News Release
Raven Underground Coal Mine Project – Public Comments Invited

OTTAWA ? August 6, 2010 ? The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency invites the public to comment on the environmental assessment of the Raven Underground Coal Mine Project in British Columbia, that will be conducted as a comprehensive study.

The Agency is currently identifying the potential environmental effects of the project that should be examined during the technical stages of the environmental assessment. The Agency is seeking comments from the public on which aspects of the project and its potential effects on the environment are of concern to ensure that those issues are identified for consideration in the assessment.

To assist the public in providing comments, a background document is available on the Agency?s Web site, in the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry under reference number 10-03-55529. The background document contains information on the proposed project, the federal requirements of a comprehensive study, the cooperative assessment process with the Province of British Columbia, and the proposed environmental components to be considered in the review of the project.

This is the first of several public comment periods that will occur during the environmental assessment of the project. Future public participation opportunities will be announced at a later date.

Public comments received by September 20, 2010 will be considered. All written submissions received will be considered public as part of the project file. Interested persons or groups are invited to send their comments in the official language of their choice to:

Raven Underground Coal Mine Project
Andrew Rollo, Project Manager
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
805 -1550 Alberni Street
Vancouver BC V6G 1A5
Tel.: 604-666-2431
Fax: 604-666-3493

Compliance Coal Corporation (doing business as the Comox Joint Venture) proposes the development of an underground coal mine, including a coarse and fine rejects rock dump, located approximately 20 km south of Courtenay on eastern Vancouver Island. The proposed development would have a project footprint of about 200 hectares. The majority of the proposed development would occur within the Cowie Creek drainage, which flows into Fanny Bay on Baynes Sound. Compliance Coal Corporation proposes to transport coal from the mine by truck on existing highways 80 km south to the port of Port Alberni. Port upgrading work at Port Alberni is to be conducted by the proponent to enable shipment of coal offshore.

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency administers the federal environmental assessment process, which identifies the environmental effects of proposed projects and measures to address those effects, in support of sustainable development.

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Media may contact:

Maxine Leger-Haskell
Communications Advisor
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Tel.: 613-957-0406

Document reference number: 4

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