Public Notice
Raven Underground Coal Mine Project – Public Comments Invited on the Project and Conduct of the Comprehensive Study

A series of amendments to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act came into force effective July 12, 2010. As part of these amendments, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency will perform the duties and functions of the responsible authority for the Raven Underground Coal Mine Project until the submission of the comprehensive study report to the Minister of the Environment.

The amendments require that the Agency provide the public with the opportunity to comment on the Raven Underground Coal Mine Project and the conduct of the comprehensive study.

To assist the public in providing comments, a background document which describes the project and the environmental assessment process to be applied, will soon be available on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry, under reference number 10-03-55529.

The public comment period commences immediately and will close 30 days after the background document has been posted to the Registry website. Further details on this deadline will be announced once the background document is made available for public review. All comments received will be considered public and will become part of the public registry. Interested persons are invited to send their comments in the official language of their choice to:

Raven Underground Coal Mine
Andrew Rollo, Project Manager
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
805 -1550 Alberni Street
Vancouver, BC V6G 1A5
Telephone: 604-666-2431
Fax: 604-666-3493

Compliance Coal Corporation (doing business as the Comox Joint Venture) proposes the development of an underground coal mine, including a coarse and fine rejects rock dump, located approximately 20 kilometres south of Courtenay on eastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. The proposed development would have a project footprint of about 200 hectares. The Proponent estimates that the proposed development would mine 44 million metric tonnes of raw coal and rock over about 20 years (average of 2.2 million tonnes per year) to produce between 1.0 and 1.5 million tonnes of saleable coal per year and would generate approximately 1,000,000 cubic metres of fine rejects and 9,000,000 cubic metres of coarse rejects during the life of mine. The majority of the proposed development would occur within the Cowie Creek drainage, which flows into Fanny Bay on Baynes Sound. Compliance Coal Corporation proposes to transport coal from the mine by truck on existing highways 80 km south to the port of Port Alberni. Port upgrading work at Port Alberni is be conducted by the proponent to enable shipment of coal offshore.

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