June 25, 2024 - The Montreal Port Authority (MPA) has determined that the project "Partial channelization of ruisseau 1 at the Contrecoeur Marine Terminal, Port of Montreal" is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

This determination was based on the following factors:

  • Community knowledge;
  • Comments received from the public;
  • Technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.

Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:

Management of erosion, surface water and Ruisseau 1

¬ Complete dry work, away from the stream's flow cross-section, in accordance with the directives of the DFO;

¬ The construction period should take place when flood levels are low (June to September);

¬ Install cofferdams around clear surfaces to maintain the flow in the stream's natural bed. Alternatively, install a cofferdam upstream and to pump out water. The latter includes using a sediment bag at the end of the pumping system. Limit suspended matter in the discharge from getting into the natural environment (25 mg/L);

¬ Install a sediment barrier downstream from the work site and around the work

zone (cleared surface);

¬ In case of rain, stop work;

¬ Conserve and protect existing vegetation until construction activity is completed

at this site and after the protective structures have been installed;

¬ Install sediment barriers around unconsolidated materials;

¬ Visually inspect and sample the quality of the natural environment's discharged water

characterization, if required (maximum 25 mg/L of sediment);

¬ Display the notice received from DFO on-site.


¬     Work performed within standard working hours (7 a.m. to 6 p.m.);

¬     Operating machinery in good condition;

¬     Avoid hitting truck bodies while unloading;

¬     Limit idling machinery.

Dust and air quality

¬     Cover materials with protective covers;

¬     Driving vehicles and machinery off access roads and

designated work sites is prohibited;

¬     Use water as a dust suppressant;

¬     Conduct reforestation in areas distrubed by the


¬     Protect vegetation until construction is completed at this site;

¬     Limit idling machinery.

Protect terrestrial and avian fauna

¬ Information sessions given by a competent person to raise awareness among workers on how to protect fauna and what protection measures can be applied;

¬ A competent authority appointed by the Contractor should inspect the work site before the work is carried out and install exclusion fencing around the site;

¬ Workers are prohibited from leaving defined sites. Teach them about the negative impact they can have on wildlife and how they should behave if they are off-site;

¬     Control truck drivers' speed (10 km/h);

¬     Obtain the required permits for the capture and relocation of species that may be present;

¬     Prior to construction, establish a protocol to manage the capture and relocation of species that may be present;

¬     Inspect protective structures daily.

Special status – Bank swallows

¬     Construction, storage and traffic is prohibited within a 100 m radius of swallow nests;

¬     Street A cannot be used for transportation;

¬     Piles of stored and unused soil will be covered with geotextile;

¬     Stack piles of soil with an angle that is less than 70%.


Special status – Turtles (herpetofauna)

¬ Install exclusion fencing around the work site;

¬ Prior to construction, a capture-relocation campaign must carried out by a competent authority with a SEG permit;

¬ If turtles have to be relocated, they must be released into suitable habitat away from the work that provides all the elements required to complete their biological cycle (feeding, hibernation, egg laying);

¬ Implement an intervention procedure that defines the required steps to take if a turtle is found in the exclusion area, including:

  1. The capture-relocation of turtles,
  2. Identifying the access point to the exclusion area (a damaged part of the fence, etc.),
  3. Corrective measures, if necessary.

Invasive alien species

¬ Prior to construction, create an inventory of invasive alien plant


¬ Clean machinery before arriving on-site to prevent the spread of invasive alien plant species;

¬ Clean machinery when leaving the site in a sector that is not conducive to seed germination or plant growth, and dispose of any residues resulting from cleaning at a technical landfill site into an authorized waste site;

¬ Re-vegetate all soils affected in the storage areas and used by the Contractor;

¬ Install a geotextile to cover exposed soils within the shoreline limits, as the work progresses;

¬ Dispose of residues from invasive alien plant species at an authorized site.


¬ Refuel machinery under constant supervision. This should be done in a specially designated area equipped with a system for collecting and managing runoff water and discharging it into a temporary basin before it's released into the environment. Ensure that petroleum products can be contained in the event of an accidental spill;

¬ Ensure the refuelling area is more than 30 metres away from rivers, streams and wetlands;

¬     The machinery used must be clean, in good working order and free of oil or hydrocarbons;

¬     Use of non-toxic or biodegradable lubricants in hydraulic equipment;

¬ Ensure emergency kits are on-site so any liquid or solid contaminants can be neutralized if they spill near the refuelling and work area (sorbent booms other absorbent materials);

¬ Maintain on-site machinery used for refuelling and use suitable containers to prevent any overflow;

¬ Regularly inspect all storage sites with hazardous materials and mechanical maintenance sites to ensure there are no signs of contamination;

¬ Refuel and service trucks and machinery on a sealed surface;

¬ Monitor any refuelling activity in terrestrial environments;

¬     Ensure a fire extinguisher and an emergency oil spill kit are close by.

Excavated soil management

¬ Assess and characterize soils at work sites;

¬ Make piles and characterize all surplus excavation or any soil with a degree of contamination that warrants its disposal;

¬ Manage soils in accordance with applicable provincial regulations [Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Rehabilitation - Technical Documents (MDDELCC, 2021) and Appendix I of the Regulation respecting the burial of contaminated soils];

¬     Pile soil on waterproof geotextile and cover them with a waterproof geomembrane

to protect them from bad weather;

¬     Identify contaminated soils based on the nature and degree of on-site contamination, then follow up with an laboratory specializing in soil management;

¬     Use the Traces Québec soil disposal tracking system.

Follow-up program

Once the project is ready and operational, the MPA will conduct annual sampling of surface water at the Contrecoeur port facilities, including Ruisseau 1, to document water quality. The MPA will also plan further work to improve treatment systems, if necessary.

In addition, the MPA will take on the maintenance of the project to ensure its proper functioning. The maintenance program includes two (2) visits per year to check for debris and to clean up, as required.


Therefore, the MPA may perform any duty or function to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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