Ottawa, Ontario.  On June 20, 2024, the National Capital Commission has determined that the proposed Reconstruction of Lady Grey Drive, Phase 2 project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.


This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:


  • impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples;
  • Indigenous knowledge;
  • community knowledge;
  • comments received from the public; and
  • technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.


This determination was based on the following components of the environment as defined under the Impact Assessment Act that could be adversely affected by the project:


  • impacts on physical and cultural heritage;
  • surface water quality;
  • fish and fish habitat;
  • soil quality; and
  • protected migratory birds, some of which are also listed as species at risk.


Some key mitigation measures taken into account for this determination include:


  • Rebuild stone-cladded wall with textured board formed concrete wall that is climate change resilient, durable, and technically and economically feasible;
  • Salvage large stones in good condition for reuse in the future landscaping of Lady Grey Drive;
  • Replace existing light standards and guardrails with the same design language and compatible appearance as other NCC lighting projects on NCC scenic drives and active transportation routes;
  • Conduct all in-water works, undertakings or activities in isolation of open or flowing water to reduce the introduction of sediment into the watercourse and monitor the watercourse to observe signs of sedimentation during all phases of the work, undertaking or activity and take corrective action;
  • Conduct in-water water works outside the fish spawning season of this segment of the Ottawa River;
  • Restore stream geomorphology (i.e., restore the bed and banks, gradient and contour of the waterbody) to its initial state;
  • Testing of soil following O. Reg 347 is required prior to off-site disposal at a licensed disposal facility;
  • Clearing and grubbing will be done outside the bird nesting period to protect migratory birds and their nests.


Based on the appropriate implementation of the mitigation measures, the National Capital Commission is satisfied that the project is not likely cause significant adverse environmental effects and may proceed.


For questions or requests, please contact:

Document reference number: 2

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