St. Laurent Boulevard Pipeline Replacement Project – Public Comments Invited

April 19, 2024 – The authorities must determine whether the proposed St. Laurent Boulevard Pipeline Replacement Project located in Ottawa is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this determination, the authorities are inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public and may be posted online.

Written comments must be submitted by May 19, 2024 to:

Environment, Health and Safety

Public Services and Procurement Canada

11 Laurier St, Portage III, Place du Portage
Gatineau, QC  K1A 0S5



The Proposed Project

Enbridge Gas Inc. (Enbridge Gas) is proposing to replace its St. Laurent Pipeline System that is currently located along St. Laurent Boulevard in Ottawa, Ontario (the Project). The Project is located east of the Rideau River and south of the Ottawa River, generally in the neighbourhoods of Rockcliffe and Manor parks, Vanier, Overbrook, Forbes, Cummings, Cyrville, and Ottawa South.

The Project will involve the installation of approximately 13 km of new 6-inch, 12-inch, and 16-inch diameter extra high-pressure (XHP) steel pipeline segments to replace the existing St. Laurent Pipeline, as well as approximately 3.8 km of 2-inch, 4-inch, and 6-inch diameter intermediate pressure (IP) polyethylene pipeline segments to maintain service to existing customers after the XHP pipeline is replaced in a different location. An analysis and safety evaluation completed by Enbridge Gas has demonstrated the need for the immediate replacement of the system to ensure the continued safe and reliable delivery of natural gas service.

A portion of the proposed pipeline alignment (approximately 524 m) crosses federal lands at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Headquarters at 1200 Vanier Parkway. The pipeline runs west from Vanier Parkway through the south parking lot of the RCMP Headquarters. The pipeline turns south near the western fenced boundary of the property and runs to just outside of the southern fenced boundary of the property to tie-into the existing Rideau River crossing.

The RCMP is a tenant on the 1200 Vanier Parkway property and the land is owned by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC). The Project is subject to the National Capital Act, as well as Section 82 of the Impact Assessment Act. Under the National Capital Act, the National Capital Commission (NCC) requires that Enbridge Gas complete a Federal Land Use, Design and Transaction Approval (FLUDTA) application and, as the federal landowner, PSPC is the responsible federal authority for making a determination of significance under the Impact Assessment Act. The NCC is coordinating with PSPC and the RCMP for federal regulatory approval of the Project at this location. The components of the Project not located on federal lands are subject to approval by the Ontario Energy Board.

The Project is located in an urban setting with commercial, industrial, institutional, transportation, and utilities land uses. Greenspaces are mainly associated with manicured urban parks and open spaces. The amount of disturbance to vegetation as a result of the Project on the PSPC property will be limited to landscaped, manicured lawns and trees. Some tree trimming and removal is anticipated to accommodate Project construction, however, the majority of the pipeline will be constructed within the paved parking lot to avoid vegetation disturbance. A tree inventory and arborist report will be prepared in accordance with the City of Ottawa's Tree Protection By-law (No. 2020-340) and a tree compensation plan will be implemented to offset tree injuries and/or removals. An Environmental Protection Plan will be developed prior to construction with measures to mitigate potential effects on natural features and reduce disturbance to residents and land users. Other potential effects of construction at the PSPC property may include access disruptions, nuisance noise and dust, but these effects will cease once the construction phase is complete.

Pending approval from all applicable agencies, Project construction activities are anticipated to commence in April 2025 and be completed by December 2025. The Project will be executed in compliance with applicable codes, standards, and regulations, as well as commitments within existing easement agreements, and the current and future intended land use.
Typical construction practices and equipment would be required for Project activities on PSPC lands, including grading equipment, backhoe equipment, trucks with unloading cranes, as well as welding trucks and other smaller equipment and vehicles. Temporary workspace will be sited within the paved parking lot on the PSPC property.

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