Notice of Determination

May 17th, 2024 - The Trois-Rivières Port Authority, Transport Canada, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada have determined that the proposed project for the Reconstruction of Quay 17 and construction of a new Quay 16 at the Port of Trois-Rivières is not likely to cause significant adverse effects on the environment.

For each component, mitigation measures are proposed and explained to reduce or eliminate the environmental effects induced by the Project, or to enhance the Project. These measures will be stipulated to contractors (during the construction phase) or handlers (during the operational phase) and will be part of the environmental conditions in the technical specifications for the construction or maintenance works of the new facilities.


Below is a summary of mitigation measures for various environmental aspects related to the project, divided between the construction and operational phases:

Water quality:

• Limiting the duration of works in the water to avoid disturbing the vital processes of aquatic species.

• Use of biodegradable oil and implementation of measures to prevent accidental spills of contaminants.

Sediment quality:

• Use of clean fill materials free from contaminants.

• Mitigation measures for soil and water quality are also applicable to protect sediment quality.

Soil quality:

• Regular inspection of machinery to prevent hydrocarbon and other contaminant leaks.

• Implementation of emergency response measures in case of accidental spills.

Suspended solids and turbidity:

• Use of sediment barriers and sedimentation basins to limit the entry of fine particles into the river.

• Installation of turbidity curtains during backfilling works and monitoring of suspended solids concentration in the receiving environment.

Air quality and GHG emissions:

• Watering of dry soils to reduce dust during works.

• Use of well-maintained trucks compliant with emission standards.

• Optimization of machinery and vehicle movements to reduce emissions.

• Cleaning of truck wheels to prevent dust dispersion.

Noise environment:

• Restriction of noisy works between 7 am and 7 pm.

• Sensitization of workers to noise issues.

• Publication of a work information bulletin.

Light ambiance:

• Reduction of lighting duration and turning off unnecessary lighting at night.

The document also details specific measures for managing contaminated soils, transporting materials, demolition and concrete use, as well as other actions to limit the project's environmental impact.


Here is a summary of mitigation measures to preserve the biological environment:

Aquatic and terrestrial vegetation:

• Use of appropriate turbidity curtains to protect aquatic vegetation during backfilling works.

• Specific measures in case of discovery of invasive exotic plant species (EIPS).

Ichthyofauna, benthic fauna, and aquatic herpetofauna:

• Use of pile-driving procedures that favor fish avoidance.

• Prohibition of works in aquatic environments during certain periods.

• Implementation of deterrent measures to prevent fish from entering work areas.

Avifauna and terrestrial herpetofauna:

• Planning of fixed tower demolition works outside nesting and birthing periods of birds.

• Application of mitigation measures related to lighting ambiance to protect species.

Mammals and bats:

• Planning of fixed tower demolition works outside birthing periods of bats.

• Application of measures related to lighting ambiance and sound environment to protect mammals, especially bats.

These measures aim to minimize impacts on vegetation, aquatic and terrestrial fauna, as well as on mammals and bats, while ensuring the protection and preservation of the biological environment during the construction and operational phases.


The provided text outlines a summary of mitigation measures to preserve the human environment:

Affected First Nations:

• Ongoing communication with First Nations to inform them of potential environmental and rights-related effects.

• Planning meetings to update the project progress and discuss developments.

• Coordinating works with traditional activity practices to avoid conflicts.

• Continuous communication in the event of accidental spills or artifact discoveries.

Affected non-Indigenous population:

• Use of low-noise equipment and measures to reduce noise and light disturbances.

• Maintenance of truck traffic on appropriate routes during works.

• Cleaning of roads used by trucks.

• Promotion of local and regional subcontracting, including First Nations businesses, through regional tendering processes.

These measures aim to minimize disruptions for Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities affected by construction and operational activities, while fostering ongoing communication and mutual cooperation.

Consequently, the responsible authorities can carry out their duties to enable the project to proceed.

Document reference number: 4

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