Management of Zebra Mussels in Clear Lake in Riding Mountain National Park – Public comments invited from February 9 to March 29, 2024- 17:00CDT 

*Please note that the Public Participation Period has been extended from March 10, 2024 to March 29, 2024- 17:00CDT*

February 9, 2024 - Parks Canada must decide whether the proposed project, Management of Zebra Mussels in Clear Lake in Riding Mountain National Park, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. Parks Canada will be assessing this project using a Detailed Impact Assessment.

To help inform this decision, Parks Canada is issuing this notice of intent to make a determination and inviting comments from the public on the project's potential effects on the environment. All comments received will be considered public. For more information on the public nature of your comments, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website.

In order to submit comments or request a copy of the draft Detailed Impact Assessment report, contact:

Riding Mountain National Park
Address: 135 Wasagaming Drive, Box 299, Onanole MB R0J 1N0
Telephone: 204-848-7275

Comments must be submitted by March 29, 2024 - 17:00CDT

Project Summary: Riding Mountain National Park is proposing management actions to respond to the detection of Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in Clear Lake, located within the park boundaries. The management actions that may be implemented include the use of potash molluscicide and physical methods (e.g., benthic mats, manual removal, etc.). Zebra Mussels can impact native species, severely affect and/or alter food webs and ecosystems, damage infrastructure, and affect visitor experience. The proposal will be assessed using Parks Canada's Detailed Impact Assessment pathway.

Scope: The Detailed Impact Assessment will assess the impacts of management actions in response to the detection of Zebra Mussels on the Park's ecological integrity, cultural resources, species at risk, and visitor experience values. The valued components to be assessed include: values of importance to Indigenous communities as identified through consultation and engagement efforts, cultural resources, water quality, fish and fish habitat, non-target native freshwater mussels and aquatic invertebrates, terrestrial and aquatic bird species, vegetation, and visitor experience.

Document reference number: 1

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