Notice of Intent to Make a Determination

SaskPower HR-01033 - RPD-511 PQ Rural Rebuild (Makwa Rebuild) - Public Comments invited

March 11, 2024 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed SaskPower HR-01033 - RPD-511 PQ Rural Rebuild (Makwa Rebuild), to be located on Makwa Lake First Nation is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by April 10, 2024 to:

Indigenous Services Canada
Alvin Hamilton Building, 1783 Hamilton Street

Regina, SK  S4P 2B6

Telephone: 306-581-3134

Proposed Project


SaskPower is proposing to replace an aging overhead powerline infrastructure in order to maintain the integrity of power service for existing and future customers. The Project is situated within forested areas, within existing SaskPower overhead powerline rights-of-way (ROW), and within road allowances adjacent existing roads. The Project is located on deeded land, Makwa Lake First Nation Reserve land, Ministry of Agriculture (AGR) land, Wildlife Habitat Protection Act (WHPA) land, and on Makwa Lake Provincial Park land. The proposed Project is located approximately 1.3 kilometres (km) west of the village of Loon Lake, Saskatchewan.

The project includes vegetation clearing, the salvage of existing wood poles with associated hardware and overhead conductor, and the installation of wood poles with associated hardware and overhead conductors. The Project will be accessed from locations within road allowances and SaskPower ROW. The removal of trees and shrubs is required for safe equipment access and tree-fall clearance to reduce the risk of damage to the overhead powerline and the potential for fire due to tree contact with the overhead conductor.

A portion of the underground cable installation will require approximately 555 m of directional boring underneath a portion of Makwa Lake across the Steele Narrows with the use of a back-hoe and directional boring equipment. The back-hoe will excavate two approximately 2 m deep, 2 m wide, and 2 m long bell holes at the terminal ends of the bore path, and the directional borer will drill an approximately 5 cm diameter bore path to accommodate the underground cable. The underground cable will then be pulled through to the other end, leaving the cable exposed at the end points. At these locations, topsoil stripping will be employed prior to the excavation of parent material to minimize admixing of soil horizons. The excavated soil will be placed back in order into the bell holes and compacted immediately after the underground cable has been installed.

Document reference number: 1

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