Notice of Intent to Make a Determination

Kahkewistahaw First Nation Operations & Maintenance Building and Fire Hall - Public Comments invited

February 23, 2024 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Kahkewistahaw First Nation Operations & Maintenance Building and Fire Hall, to be located on Kahkewistahaw First Nation, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by March 22, 2024 to:

Indigenous Services Canada
Alvin Hamilton Building, 1783 Hamilton Street

Regina, SK  S4P 2B6

Telephone: 306-581-3134

Proposed Project

Kahkewistahaw First Nation is proposing to construct an Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Building and Firehall facility.  The facility is designed to serve the Operations and Maintenance departments as well as the Fire Department.  The O&M building and the Firehall will share resources such as laundry, showers and change rooms but the Firehall will predominantly be a stand-alone within the facility with dedicated spaces for fire fighting resources and equipment. The facility is designed as a full-service firehall equipped with offices, locker rooms, apparatus bays, hose drying equipment, turn-out lockers, mask washing equipment and extractor for turnout gear to allow the Nation to respond to local emergencies quickly and effectively. The firehall will also be equipped with the necessary air compressors and equipment to allow the air tanks and trucks to be recharged locally. The apparatus bay includes room for two fire trucks as well as numerous quads and side-by-sides.

The proposed facility is estimated to be 20,115m2 (4.97 acres). In addition to the new building the proposed project includes the installation of a new water line, sewer line, power and communications lines. Decommissioning of the old fire hall will be completed after construction of the new facility is complete.

The project is scheduled for construction to begin in Spring 2024.

Document reference number: 1

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