February 14, 2024 – Indigenous Services Canada has determined that the proposed M'Chigeeng First Nation - Waste Transfer Station project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

The determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • There will be positive impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples, and;
  • Mitigation measures proposed for the project have been prepared and review by ISC.

Implementation of the following mitigation measures is required for the project:

  • Vegetation removal - minimizing tree clearing (loss of habitat), no tree clearing and minimize disturbances in the area during breeding season.
  • Spill management – Develop and implement a Spills Management Plan (including materials, instructions regarding their use, education of contract personnel, emergency contact numbers) to be followed in event of accidental spill during the on-site activities. Carry out activities that involve operating, refueling and maintenance of equipment and/or the handling and storage of toxic materials (e.g. fuel, lubricants, and other chemicals) so as to eliminate/minimize potential to contaminate of soils, groundwater and surface water. Institute construction refueling precautions in accordance with applicable Fuel Handling and Storage Acts/Regulations. Fuel is to be stored in secure facilities complying with TSSA. Ensure that all equipment is maintained to minimize potential for fluid leaks and that cleaning and maintenance of equipment occurs offsite, in a contained environment. Notify the Nation, Project Administrator, Environment & Climate Change Canada immediately if a spill occurred so that corrective action can be taken.
  • Health and Safety – Project activities will comply with provincial and federal Occupational Health and Safety requirements, including the use of PPE at all times. Injuries, incidents or fatalities will be immediately reported to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario.   

Indigenous Services Canada is satisfied that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Therefore, Indigenous Services Canada may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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