Notice of Intent to Make a Determination

Deschambault Lake Sewage Pumping Station Upgrades - Public Comments invited

February 5, 2024 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Deschambault Lake Sewage Pumping Station Upgrades, to be located on Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Kimosom Pwatinahk Indian Reserve No. 203 , is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by March 4, 2024 to:

Indigenous Services Canada
Alvin Hamilton Building, 1783 Hamilton Street

Regina, SK  S4P 2B6

Telephone: 306-581-3134

Proposed Project

Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Kimosom Pwatinahk Indian Reserve No. 203 is proposing to upgrade the Sewage Pumping Stations (SPS's) in the community of Deschambault Lake. The existing pumps have reached their expected life cycle and have no back up power. The existing infrastructure includes eight sewage pumping stations. At all eight sites, all infrastructure except for the existing wet wells will be decommissioned and removed from site and at each site a larger SPS structure will be built over the retained wet well.

Clearing and grubbing of the site at all SPS locations will take place outside of the migratory bird nesting season. Topsoil will be retained, unmixed, near the site from which it was removed. The existing fence will be removed and the entire existing structure will be selectively demolished and salvaged except for the wet well at each SPS location. A new, expanded SPS superstructure composed of electrical room, generator room and pump room as required at each site  will be constructed. Back up power systems is also included in the upgraded design. The SPS sites will be regraded so that stormwater drains freely away from the proposed buildings and to limit flooding from runoff flows caused by rainfall events or snow melt. All imported soil materials will be clean and free of hazardous materials. A new maintenance-free, industrial grade security fence (min overall height of 1.83m) will be installed around each site and will include a vehicle access swing gate and a pedestrian door entrance, both with locks. The operations of the new facilities will be similar to current operations.

Document reference number: 1

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