01-02-2024 - The Quebec Port Authority and Transport Canada must determine whether the proposed Development project at Pier 108, located in the Foulon Sector, is likely to cause significant negative effects on the environment. To contribute to making an informed determination, the Quebec Port Authority and Transport Canada invite the public to provide comments on this determination. All comments received will be considered public and may be published online. Written comments can be submitted by 01-03-2024 at :

Philippe Charest-Gélinas

Director, Environment

150 Dalhousie, C.P. / P.O. Box 80, Haute-Ville

Quebec (Quebec) G1R 4M8 Canada

418 955-2882



Project description

The project aims to develop the rear of Pier 108 to create a bulk and general merchandise storage platform. The targeted territory is currently occupied in part by the installations of Minéraux Midatlantic inc. which will have to be dismantled. Excavated soils are also stored there. This work follows the repair work on the facade of platform 108 and the installation of a concrete slab along its edge.

The specific objectives of the project are as follows:
Development of a paved area mainly dedicated to the storage and transit of goods. This will accommodate general cargo (containerized or not) as well as solid bulk such as de-icing salt; Optimization of traffic flow in the Foulon sector; Development of the sector so that it is versatile and allows scalable use in the coming years.

The main planned works are:

New flexible surface platform covering an area of ??approximately 40,000 square meters, used for port operations, mainly as a storage and handling area for various materials; Two (2) new soft surface access paths; Site drainage collector network covering all areas included in the new development and those of the edge of the quay; Rainwater treatment system to be integrated into the collector network; New looped section of aqueduct; / New banks of electrical conduits and underground draft shafts; New lighting network for the back of the platform.

Construction phase

This project will be carried out using recognized methods used in the context of safety and paving infrastructure installation projects. The equipment that will be used as part of the repair work includes mechanical excavators, loaders, concrete mixers, road rollers and a paver. The materials that will be used are mainly the following: Granular material of various calibers; Geotextile membranes; Bituminous coating (paving); Mass concrete; Electric wire and lighting equipment (streetlamps); Various pipes, manholes and prefabricated sumps in cast iron and/or concrete. Exact quantities of construction materials will be evaluated when final design plans are issued. Once completed, the new platform will provide storage space with a storage area of ??more than 40,000 m², including a portion of 7,000 m² (approximately 120 m x 61 m) which will be dedicated to salt storage. de-icing.

The construction phase also includes mobilization, work execution and demobilization activities. The mobilization stage includes securing the site perimeter as well as setting up temporary sanitary facilities near the site for workers. The execution of the work is separated into two stages. The first includes the dismantling of Midatlantics Minerals Inc. facilities. and the establishment of access paths in areas outside the perimeter of these installations. The second stage will begin with the removal of piles of contaminated soil that are stored on Pier 108. At the same time, the area that will be occupied by the new platform will be leveled and prepared to be paved. Trenches will be excavated to install infrastructure for the various services required by port operations, namely: Electrical network; Aqueduct; Fire hydrants; Runoff water collection network.

A lighting system powered by the new electrical network will be put in place, as well as a water treatment system captured by the runoff water collection network. The treatment unit will also be connected to an effluent pipe that has already been installed at the southwest corner of Pier 108.

Once these services are in place, the trenches will be backfilled and the platform will be paved using bituminous mix. The materials required for the work will be delivered to the site by truck as the work progresses. The concrete will be transported to the site by concrete mixer. Throughout the duration of the work, access restrictions to the surface area will be maintained.

After carrying out the development work, the secure areas of the sector will be freed from obstacles, concrete barriers and temporary signage. The demobilization phase also includes the removal of sanitary facilities and machinery.

Operation phase

The operational phase of the project essentially consists of the commissioning of the storage platform, scheduled for June 15, 2025. On this date, transshipment operations and storage of goods can begin.

Project completion schedule




Construction phase 1

  1. Mobilization and kick-off meeting

2 weeks

from April 15 to 29, 2024

  1. Execution of work – Step 1

Dismantling of Midatlantic Minerals Inc. facilities; Setting up access paths

5 months

from April 29 to September 30, 2024

  1. Execution of the work – Step 2

Removal of contaminated soils stored in piles at Pier 108

Leveling and paving of the storage platform

Implementation of services

Continued installation of access paths

Installation of a runoff water treatment system

connection of the collection network to the discharge point already in place

6 weeks

from October 1, 2024 to November 15, 2024

  1. Provisional acceptance of all work


November 15, 2024

  1. Demobilization


June 15, 2025

Operation phase

Inspection and maintenance


To be established subsequently by the APQ


Characteristics and use of the site

The site targeted by the redevelopment project behind Pier 108 is entirely located within the limits of the Port of Quebec, on federal property managed by the APQ. The site corresponds to a large plot of land located on lot 2 074 509 of the Quebec cadastre, which is located between the north shore of the St. Lawrence River and Champlain Boulevard. It is part of a vast industrial zone which surrounds Brown Cove to the east and runs along the St. Lawrence River to the west up to the Yacht Club de Québec.

Inaugurated in 1999, Midatlantic Minerals Inc. is a company specializing in the storage and processing of dolomite and limestone. Midatlantic Minerals is currently the main user on the site targeted by the redevelopment project. Pier 108 represents for this company a privileged gateway to the Saint-Laurent for the supply of this type of solid bulk. In 2008, the company retooled its factory at the Port of Quebec to add a new product, quartz. However, Midatlantic Minerals activities at Pier 108 will cease in 2024. Apart from Minéraux Midatlantic inc., the Anse au Foulon sector is home to QSL operations which also uses part of the intervention site to store various cargoes. The Port of Quebec also stores excavated soil in the western portion of the site.

Document reference number: 1

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